Chapter 35

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(A/N: There is a mature scene in this chapter. I 'll be putting it in Bold, so readers who are uncomfortable with reading this type of scene will easily be able to identify and skip it)

"Claudia!" I climbed out of the booth and pulled her into a hug.

"Your dad told us you moved to Vermont with your uncle," She said, "I'm so sorry about your mom" she squeezed a little harder.

I pulled away and smiled, "Thank you, I'm just sorry I had to miss the funeral" Of course, I was just going to watch from afar, may be dressed in black, all dramatic like in the movies, that'd be fun... Probably not; my dad would most likely find me...

"Little Argent!" Claudia's husband, Noah, walked up to us, holding onto a baby?

"Noah, it's good to see you again, another promotion, I see?" I asked, pointing to his new polished Sheriff badge.

"Oh, yes. Sheriff Stilinski. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" Claudia said, and then she took the baby, "And this is Mieczyslaw."

"Mieczyslaw?" I repeated, hoping I didn't butcher it too bad.

"Close, if you want, you can call him Mischief. It's the closest he can get to it," She said.

I bent down a little, "Hello Mischief, I'm auntie Dani."

The baby looked up, and I smiled softly, his big brown eyes instantly melting my heart. And then he had me wrapped around his little, tiny pinky by lifting his arms and making grabby motions.

"You want to see Auntie Dani?" Claudia asked. Little Mischief made a whining sound, trying to get closer to me.

With a nod from Claudia, I picked him up, and he started bouncing. I looked at Remus, "You can tell Sirius to shove off when we go back; kids do like me."

"That's because he just met you," he teased.

"You're just mean," I said and looked back at the baby, "Yes, Uncle Remus is a big meanie," I cooed. The baby happily babbled.

"Uncle Remus?" Claudia asked.

I looked up, "Oh right, Claudia, Noah, this is Remus. He's my ma—Boyfriend, he's my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Noah asked. I nodded, and he walked around us, to Remus. He held out his hand and started giving him the 'talk,' saying that if he hurt me, he'd find a way to throw him in jail, even if he had to go to Vermont himself and arrest him.

I talked with Claudia for a bit until she and Noah's order was called out. We said our goodbyes, and I sat back down.

"I'm sorry about Noah; he's like family," At his nod, I continued, "Claudia tutored me for a few years, and we got attached to each other. I felt more love with them than I did with my own family."

He smiled sadly and grabbed my hand, bringing it up to his lips for a gentle kiss, "I'm glad to have met someone important to you," He said.


"Room 306" I slid the key card into the door and opened it. Walking into the room, I could smell the cleaning products and the fresh linens.

"Only one bed?" Remus asked.

"It was the only room they had left."

He nodded and placed his bag on the desk, "How about you go take a bath, relax for a bit?" He offered.

"I like where your mind's at," I said. I grabbed my Adams Family pyjamas and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I started the water and put the stopper in. I was about to strip down to go in the bathtub, but one look at my stomach had me stop.

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