Chapter 33

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"Have a good night, Mr. Potter, Ms. Argent," Umbridge waved as we walked out of her office.

I faked a smile and a wave, but as soon as I turned around, I rolled my eyes, and the smile turned upside down, "Let's go, Harry," I said.

The walk back to the common room was quiet. I don't know what was going on through Harry's mind, but I knew I was thinking of at least 14 different ways to make this woman's life a living hell during her time here.

"If she tries to get you to use those quills or if she tries to get someone else to use them, I want you to tell me," I said, "Pheonix tail" I gave the fat lady the password, and she opened the door.

"Why are they illegal?" He asked.

"They're quills that don't need ink—"

"Isn't that a good thing?" He asked.

"They use the blood of the user," I finished my sentence.

"Blood?" He asked, genuinely surprised.

"They're good for some things. Signing in blood is considered even more binding than just ink, but those are extreme cases." I started, "They were banned in 1893 in school settings after a teacher forced a student to write 1000 lines. The student had to be hospitalized for blood loss and amputation. The scars reached deep enough to sever the nerves."

"Ah... Not so good then," He said quietly, "Shouldn't we tell Dumbledore?"

"I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. But if I hear that she's using them, I'm telling Dumbledore, I'm writing a letter to Moody, and you can bet your life that the ministry is going to be notified as well. Moody hates blood quills."

"Moody hates everything," He retorted.

I blinked, "Well, you're not wrong."


"The twins haven't done anything for your birthday yet, have they?" I asked Hermione. Ron and Harry had to talk to Professor Flitwick, so we went off without them.

She shook her head, "Fred knows that if he pranks me, I'm not talking to him for a week," She said.

"Will you be able to handle that?" I asked.

She huffed, "Yes, I can handle it," She said, "What about you? It's your birthday too."

"I've been paranoid all day," I admitted.

"They've been so busy preparing for the shop, I'm sure they haven't done anything," Hermione said and then she gave the fat lady the password. We stepped in, and as soon as I did, I got hit with a spell. Confetti exploded everywhere. Not only that, but it was like there was an endless box full of confetti that kept raining over me.

"Happy Birthday!" Half the Gryffindor common room was there, all of them wearing party hats. I looked to Hermione, a deadpanned expression on my face, "You were saying?"

She stifled a laugh, "I stand corrected."

"Happy Birthday, darling!" Fred came over and kissed his girlfriend on the cheek.

"Oh, she gets a kiss on the cheek, and I get confetti? I thought we were best friends!" I mocked a dramatic cry.

"Horrible friend, he is," George added and came up next to me, dramatically kissing my cheek.

"Thank you, George," I said and then looked at Fred, "At least someone loves me."

"About that, Daniella, I don't think we're going to work out," George said seriously, "I'm seeing someone else."

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