Chapter 14 [Edited]

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"Ah, Miss Argent, I'm glad you could join us this morning," Professor Lupin said as I walked into the classroom.

From the corner of my eye, I saw some students sit up straight. I turned my head just slightly and saw it was the Slytherins I had scared last year. I smiled and looked back at the Professor. My smile fell as I noticed how tired he looked, "Good morning, professor."

He gestured for me to come closer. I hesitated, but eventually took the steps, "Miss Argent here has agreed to help me with today's lesson" He said, putting his hands on my shoulders. My breath hitched as the warmth seeped through my clothes.

"Sir, how will a third-year be able to help us?" Someone asked. I just moved out of the way and sat on the Professor's desk

"We've been studying dementors for the past week, and as much as knowing the theory behind these dark creatures, I also believe that you should know the spell to defend yourself against them if ever you should come across one" Professor Lupin said.

"That's where I come in." The class turned to me, "I live with an auror, and we've had a few visits from dementors. He taught me how get rid of them... admittedly against the Ministry's will, but that's a story for another time."

"Can anyone tell me the charm that is used against a dementor?" The Professor asked. A Ravenclaw boy in the back raised his hand, and Lupin called on him.

"The Patronus Charm, sir."

"Yes, excellent, 5 points to Ravenclaw."

"What do you know about the Patronus?" I asked the boy. The Professor looked at me, but I ignored him. He wanted me to help with the class, that's what I'm doing.

"It takes the form of the animal you share the closest affinity with" The boy answered.

"Good, but not all wizards and witches can get the full, corporeal form," I said.

The Professor then stepped up, "This spell is a very challenging one, and as Miss Argent as said, not everyone can get the corporeal form. Even if you can't get the corporeal form, you can still benefit from the spell's protection." He said, "I, myself, can't get a corporeal form, but Miss Argent can" His heart skipped, meaning he lied when he said that he can't get the corporeal form. That and I know that I saw a wolf Patronus on the train. It's rather funny. I'm a werewolf, and his Patronus is a wolf.

The Professor then gestured to me, and I jumped off the desk. I thought about the first time I caught a criminal with Moody. That was the first time in years that someone was proud of me, and I clearly remember the joy I felt when I saw the pride in Moody's eyes.

"Expecto Patronum" I cast the spell, and a burst of light came out of the tip of my wand. The light then took the shape of a tiger. The tiger roared and stalked around the class. There were gasps and whispers as my tiger walked back to me and stood beside me. I then deactivated the spell. As the Professor continued talking, I went back and sat on his desk. Eventually, he got the students to try to the spell.

"Miss Argent and I will be right here if you need any help," He said and came to sit beside me. The closeness had my heart racing. I mentally cursed the mating pull.

"Are you feeling ok, Professor?" I asked, "You look exhausted."

"I— I didn't sleep very well last night" I heard the tell-tale skip of his heart and knew he was lying, however, I decided not to push.

It was quiet for a while as we watched the class practice the charm. There were wisps of white and I saw a cat walking around.

"Remember to think of your happiest memory," I called out. I got some acknowledgments, and a few seconds later, I saw a dolphin and a bird floating across the room.

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