Chapter 25

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'Hi Honey Remus

Sorry, Honey didn't exactly sound right. I'll find something better. How's everyone? You and the idiot haven't killed each other yet? I miss you.

Turns out, Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard tournament this year. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are here. Viktor Krum is here, and Ron's been fangirling since the beginning of the semester.

Did you know Moody was going to be the DADA professor this year? Because if you did, I'm going to kill you for not telling me.

I don't know how trouble finds him as much as it does, but despite the age line that Dumbledore drew HIMSELF! Harry still got chosen to be a champion. A lot of people are angry at him, I know Ron is, but we all know that the universe is out to get Harry.

Tell everyone I say hi and tell Sirius to give me that damn final plan. I don't know how long the sales in Hogsmeade are going to last. So, ask him to get off his lazy ass. Please? Thanks.

I love you,

Daniella Argent'

I gave the letter to Logan Owlette, "Can you bring this to Remus, please?" The owl took the letter and flew off into the night sky. Wait... was that too soon for the 'L' word?


"You're telling me that Rita Skeeter is the one covering the Triwizard tournament?" I asked Harry.

Harry nodded, "The interviews are supposed to happen on Thursday"

"Be careful with what you tell her. She tends to twist the truth"

"Will you come with me to the interview?" At my questioning glance, he continued, "I say stupid stuff when I'm nervous"

I nodded, "Yeah, I can do that,"

"Dani! Just because you already know the material, doesn't mean you get to distract others!" Moody threw a piece of chalk at me.

"Ay Aye Captain" I mock saluted him.

He just glared, grumbled about disrespectful kids and continued on with the lesson.

I grabbed a scrap piece of parchment and scribbled down a note to Harry, asking him when and where I had to meet him for the interview. He read it over and wrote down an answer.

'Thursday, around 3pm, the back room of the Great Hall' his answer read. I nodded and pocketed the note.

"Dani!" Moody exclaimed again.



"Who is this?" The French girl, Fleur, asked.

"Daniella, comment ca va?" How are you?

Her eyes widened, "Tu parles francais?" She asked. You speak French?

"J'ai beaucoup de famille qui vient de la France. Si je voulais les parler..." I trailed off. I have a lot of family from France. If I wanted to talk to them...

"I'm sorry, not all of us speak French" Cedric said.

"Right, sorry, I just got excited. I haven't been had the chance to speak French for a while." I smiled sheepishly.

Then a puff of smoke appeared out of nowhere, and a lady dressed in multiple colours walked out.

"What a charismatic quartet." Then she saw me, "Oh hello, who are you?"

"Daniella Argent, I'm helping Harry with his interview"

She didn't look pleased, but she didn't have much choice, "I'm Rita Skeeter, I write for the daily prophet. But, of course, you know that. It's you we don't know, you're the news." She walked towards the champions, "What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mysteries do the muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a champion tick. Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. So, who's feeling up to sharing? Mmm? Shall we start with the youngest?"

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