Chapter 12 [Edited]

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"I don't give a damn. I'm training her, and if you idiots try to stop me, I'll release every one of your little secrets" Moody said to the ministry workers at the door.

"Sir, I don't think the minister" They stopped once they saw Moody's wand, "We'll let the minister know. Carry on" They ran off scared out of their minds. He closed the door then looked back at me.

"Did you have to scare them like that?"

"Would you let me have my fun?" He shot me a glare, "Enough dilly-dallying, Patronus Charm. Again"

"Why do I need this training?"

"Because you're friends with Harry Potter. If you haven't noticed that boy has trouble following him. I'd rather you be able to properly defend yourself than me getting another letter saying you've been injured or petrified," He said.

I smirked, "Oh look, you do care."

"No, it's just less paperwork," He said indignantly. I smiled and cast the charm. A wisp of white shot out of my wand and started to take a form, but before it could finish forming, it disappeared.



"You blew up your aunt?" I exclaimed. The man sleeping next to us, Lupin according to his suitcase, twitched. I lowered my voice, "Harry, you don't go around blowing people up."

"Well, I didn't exactly mean to" He sassed back.

I shook my head and turned to Ron, "So, how was your summer?"

"Dad won a trip to Egypt. We had fun," Ron said, showing me a picture. I had to laugh at the twins' outfits. They looked so weird. I then turned to Hermione.

"My parents and I had a few short trips around Europe." She answered, "What about you?"

"Well, I trained all summer. My guardian got...special permission to train me. Then Oliver broke up with me."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Hermione said.

I shrugged. I was over it a long time ago, "It started getting awkward."

"And what do you mean special permission. The ministry doesn't usually do that" She went back to the training.

"He may have threatened the Minister..." She gave me a disapproving look, "Why are you looking at me like that? It was him, not me!"

She shook her head, still disappointed, and Harry sat up, straighter, "Is he still asleep?" He asked. I leaned a little closer and listen to the man's heartbeat, it was slow, meaning he was asleep. I was about to lean back, but something caught my attention. His scent, it was very faint but familiar. I stayed there for a moment, trying to figure out where I knew it from. I then looked back at Harry, and I nodded.

"Ok, good, listen to this," He said, closing the door. He told us all about his bump-in with the knight bus guy, the minister and Mr. Weasley.

"So, let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you?" Ron asked.

He nodded, "According to a lot of people, yes."

"But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean... eventually?" Hermione asked.

"Eventually," I confirmed. If they really wanted to find him, Moody would most likely be sent out. He was one of the only Aurors who thought like a criminal. He wasn't afraid to use their own spells against them, and he would quickly kill if he needed.

I probably need better role models...

"No one's ever broken out of Azkaban before, and he's a raving, murderous lunatic..." Ron trailed off.

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