Chapter 31

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"Mr. Diggory is in the Trauma Care Unit. He's in Room T-37," The nurse at the reception desk told us. "Do try not to disturb the other patients."

"Of course," I nodded and then looked to Harry, "Come on."

He got up, and we made our way to the Trauma Care Unit.

"What if he's mad at me?" Harry asked. He was fiddling with the edge of his sleeve.

"Harry, you saved his life."

"No, I'm the one who got him put in the hospital."

I stopped, "Harry, listen to me. None of this is your fault. You didn't put your name in the cup; you didn't make the Portkey, and you sure as hell didn't kill Cedric. He's in Room T-37 as we speak. He's recovering from a Death Eater's Attack. Not an attack from Harry Potter," I said.

He looked up, tears welling up in his eyes, "But—"

"No buts. He's going to be happy to see you," I said firmly.

He sighed and nodded. I smiled and grabbed his hand, squeezing it for some reassurance, and we continued our way to Cedric's room.

A few minutes later, we were standing in front of the door. I looked at Harry, "Do you want to go in alone?" I asked.

He shook his head and knocked on the door.

"Come in," We heard Cedric's father.

We walked in, Harry closing the door behind us. Amos looked at us, and his eyes brightened instantly.

He jumped up, "Harry! Daniella! You came!" He pulled us each into a big hug and then walked over to Cedric, gently shaking him awake, "Look, Cedric, you have visitors."

Cedric hummed as his eyes fluttered open. His eyes landed on Harry, and he smiled weakly, "Harry."

"Cedric... I'm sorry I couldn't stop it completely" Was the first thing Harry said.

"Hey, it's ok. Thanks to you, I'm still alive" His eyes then landed on me, "Thanks to both of you."

I smiled at him, "We're glad you're alive, too," I said. I then noticed his father gestured for me to follow him.

"I'll be back in a minute," I said, but the boys were already deep in conversation.

I followed Mr. Diggory outside, and he leaned against the wall.

"How is he really?" I asked. I knew as soon as I walked in that something was wrong. I could smell anger, depression, helplessness.

"When Harry tried to stop the killing curse, it deflected and hit Cedric on the leg. The doctors ran some tests and said they need to amputate." He said

"How much do they have to take?"

"Most of his right leg."

"How does Cedric feel about this?" I asked.

"He's taking it hard," He said.

"It's understandable" I didn't know what else to say.

"But he's thankful to you two. He really is," He added quickly.

"Do you know if he's going to be in a chair or on crutches, or a prosthetic?" I asked.

"The doctor's said that after the surgery, he'll have to wait a few weeks before he can get fitted for a prosthetic. Or he can decide crutches. I'm going to let him make that decision."

I could tell he was overwhelmed, "And how are you doing through all this?"

"I'm wondering when my miracles will run out. When my wife gave birth to him, I almost lost her, but she lived by some miracle. And now, my son faced the Dark Lord and lived." He said.

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