Chapter 28: Marching On

852 39 139

I have a plan for a new book after this one is finished and let's just say...

It's gonna be cool



Word Count: ~1.7 K


TW: none I don't think? 


POV: 3rd


The Hermits followed Ely down the halls, sneaking through the maze, jumping at every sound. Weapons were held tight, muscles poised to fight. On their way, they only came into contact with three Watchers, and each time, the evil creatures were killed swiftly and quietly. 

Ever so slowly, the group came to a four way interjection and Ely stopped.

He had skimmed over the plan with the Hermits, but he didn't tell them everything just yet. All they knew right now was that they had to get to the Front Room. Apparently, that's where the Head Watcher was now, hiding as he sent Watchers to kill the Hermits, even if they no longer could detect their auras.

However, now that they made it to the interjection, Ely turned to them, looking ashamed and nervous.

"One other thing..." No one said a word so he continued. "W-we need someone to go to the... to the Rune."

"The what?"

"The Rune. It is the book that quite literally holds this dimension together."

"What dimension is this?"

"An Age Dimension."

"A what?"

"An Age Dimension. This one is called Skylands." Ely's words did nothing but confuse the Hermits further. "The Rune is the only thing keeping this Age from Decaying. If it is destroyed, the world will collapse."

"Why...Why do we have to destroy it?"

"Because we aren't the only Watchers in the Dimension, though this is the main Tower," Ely simply shrugged. 

"So, even if we kill the Head Watcher, they will keep coming after us?"

"Yeah, even more so then. The only choices we have is either kill the Head Watcher and destroy the Rune, hunt down and kill each and every Watcher, most likely dying in the process, or leave now and be hunted down until we are killed."

"Why can't we just destroy the Rune and leave?"

"You guys ask a lot of questions," the boy said exasperated. "The Rune is protected by magic that can only be brought down if the Head is killed. So I was thinking the Flare," Ely pointed to Doc, "could go to the Rune and blow it up, because once the Head is gone, it's just a simple book that can easily be destroyed."

"We're not splitting up."

"Listen, we have to. I would send more people with Doc, but we need as many people to help kill the Head as possible."

"Why not, we all go kill the Watcher then we all go destroy the Rune."

"Because once the Head is dead, Watchers will swarm the Rune. Creeper Boy will have at most a minute, maybe a minute and a half if he's lucky, to blow it up and get out of there. We wouldn't make it in time if we all went."

"I'm in." Doc stepped forwards. Some tried to grab his arm or tell him no, but he ignored them, standing in front of the short boy. "What do I need to do?"

"Okay... well you need to get to the Rune. It's always protected by at least four Watchers, but it may be less once we start attacking the Head. You need to get in there, kill them, and wait for the purple glow to vanish from the book. Once it does, blow it up." 

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