Chapter 16: Babysitter Troubles

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I'm really excited because Im gettin on Zoom in an hour to help my 5 year old cousin with school! IM SO ESSITED!!! We're both in virtual school this year btw. I'm doing this to give her mom a break because she has a five year old, a four year old, and a three year old. She's been busy...



...2 hours later...

Ok I did the Zoom thingy with her. Background info, my hair was wet from a shower and I pulled it back into a bun, so it was pretty neat, and the FIRST thing this turd said to me when I joined the meeting wasn't hi or anything like that. No, this child said "Why is your hair not messy?"



From a five year old...

Roasted by a little girl...

It stings the ego a bit



Word Count: ~4K


TW: none


POV: Xizara


I am bored.




I've been sitting here, watching Xisuma do redstone stuff for the past two hours. He's working on something to do with potions and brewing I think. He tried to explain to me how it works but I zoned out after three seconds. 

I don't do redstone.

I do code.

I've always been good at hacking and coding. It's the only thing I am better than Xisuma at, in fact. X had to know the basics of code to be an admin, but that was the easy stuff. The basics. Everything else he does, he uses his magic. 

However, I'm able go deep into the code, hacking the darkest corners of the world. Most the time, I don't change anything, unless it will help X fix things he didn't know were broken. 

And right now, I have my eyes closed, my mind delving inside the numbers and letters that make up the basis of our entire world. Lines of code floated around my consciousness and I plunged into them, twisting and turning my mind as I explored.

I found the worlds of code interesting. Every single line of numbers is an essential part of our world. It's truly amazing how everything boils down to numbers and letters. 

And I know how to manipulate it.

I refrain from touching it, though, as I just like reading through the strings, decoding the meanings of each individual line. 

"Hey, Z!" I pulled myself out of my mind, opening my eyes. 


"You were AFK."

"Oh, I didn't realize."

My brother gave me a worried look. "What were you doing?"

"Exploring the code."


I know he's nervous about this, seeing as I messed up the code when I went nuts, which is one of the biggest reasons I refrain from touching it now. I don't have to see his full face to know he's also trying to hide it. 

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