Chapter 20: Shut Up And Fight Me

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I'm watching Deadpool 2 rn...

Deadpool's relationship with Russell and everything he does for him is just TωT

I love this movie sm xD



Word Count: ~1.5K


TW: blood, fighting, minimal gore


POV: Xisuma


The sound of a sword being unsheathed wakes me up. I snap my eyes open to see Xizara standing above me, a sick smile on his face, his sword in his hand.

This has to be a dream... 

I lurch to the side as Xizara swipes the sword down towards me, ready to take off my head. Thankfully, I got out of the way fast enough to survive, but the tip of his blade cut into my arm. Pain flared up my arm as the sword ripped through my flesh.

Definitely not a dream...

Turning over onto my back, I pull out my own sword, just barely getting it above me to block his next swipe. 

"Why?" I ask desperately from the floor.

He let out a cackle before taking another strike. I rolled out of the way, jumping to my feet to face my twin, sword raised to defend. 

"I trusted you, Xizara!" 

"That's where you went wrong," he gave me a wicked grin. "You trusted the insane person!"

"You're not insane!" 

Xizara chuckled before swinging his sword at me again. I blocked each attack skillfully as we danced around the hallway. 

"Xizara, please! Snap out of it!" 

I didn't want to hurt him, so I had a massive disadvantage, as he was out for blood and I was just trying to survive with as little blood as possible. Tears were running down my face and blurring my vision, causing me to miss his next attack.

Xizara swung his sword, digging it into my side. If I didn't have my armor on, the sword would have lodged itself in between my ribs and into my lung, killing me quickly. It sliced through the armor enough, though, to cut at least an inch into my skin. When Z tried to pull it out, it didn't budge, and he only succeeded in pulling me to the side, tripping me. I fell onto the floor, landing on the sword, making it dig even deeper into my ribs.

I let out a scream as the pain doubled and exploded through my body. Xizara grabbed me by the arms and picked me up, slamming me into the wall. My body slid over the blade as it got stuck in the wall, making another scream of pain rip through my throat. My brother grabbed the hilt, pulling the sword out of my side. Instead of pulling it sideways, though, he pulled it forwards so the blade cut through the wound again on the way out. My scream only got louder. 

Gathering energy, I grabbed his shoulders, bringing my knee up as hard as possible, hitting him right between the legs. I cringed at the grunt of pain he made, hating having to hurt him. Shoving him away, I grabbed my helmet, putt it on, ran down the stairs, and out the door.

Sadly, Xizara was following close behind me.

How did he recover from that so easily?

He tackled me to the ground, to which I stupidly held my hands out as I fell forwards. A sickening crack sounded as my left wrist snapped on impact, having been the one to take the most of the impact. Yet another scream left my mouth as I crashed to the ground, pain tearing through my shattered and cut left arm and my wounded side. Xizara straddled my back, grabbing my hair and slamming my face into the ground. The glass visor on my helmet cracked as my face was shoved onto the concrete a second time. One more time and I knew it would shatter, sending broken glass into my eyes. 

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