Chapter 29

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I stand back, admiring my work. Well, I'd cleaned most of the kitchen, inside the oven, the top of the stove and even managed to clean the top half of the window. Now, it was time to tackle the faucet, the same one with the spider guts on it. My eye twitched, I hate anything and everything to do with spiders, they're the creepiest....things...ever.

I take a deep breath and quickly scrub the top of the faucet, dropping the rag onto the floor when I was done, with a shiver. Daisy stuck her head in the room, raising an eyebrow.

"What was the squeal for?" She questions, confusion evident on her face.

"I didn't squeal," I say, bending down to pick the rag up by the corner, pinching it between my forefinger and thumb, before quickly throwing it in the trash.

"Yeah you did," she says, giggling. "Let me guess, it was because of the spider?"

I look up at her, quickly closing the cabinet doors, concealing the garbage and the spider guts. "Once again, I did not squeal. But even so, if I did, then yes it would've been due to the spider guts now disposed of in the trash."

She shivers. " Eww, did you have to word it like that?"

I nod, smirking. "Yes, indeed I did."

She rolls her eyes, turning to walk out of the kitchen. "I need to finish my chores, if you are done here I would appreciate some help?"

I grab the bucket of dirty water, and head in the direction of the door. "Yeah let me dispose of this first."

She nods and walks back into the living room to finish her chores. I grab the door handle, and turn, pushing the door open, a little rougher than I thought was necessary, and push the screen door that lead outside open, and stepped off the porch to throw the dirty water in the direction of the barn, when something distracted me.

Something shimmered in the direction of the far east end of the dukes property. I glanced up to see both the boys, Shirtless once again, and unloading some wood that looked freshly cut, off of the back of uncle Jesses truck. Luke jumped up on the truck, and when he did, he turned, looking in my direction. He waved, before reaching down to grab some wood and throw it to Bo, who looked over and waved to me, before taking the wood and stacking it onto the pile.

I blinked. 'Wow those two are distracting.'

I grabbed the bottom of the bucket, and gripped the top so it doesn't slip out of my grasp, then pushed the bucket forward, so the water sloshed out and onto the ground below. I kneeled down and leaned the bucket against the porch, before turning and heading inside, before the boys could distract me anymore.

I walked into the living room in a sort of daze, trying to process what was going on with me. I mean, its not like I've never seen the guys Shirtless before today, or yesterday for that matter, but they've never been soo...well built, that it made me second guess my feelings for either one of them.

I jump back as Daisy snaps her fingers infront of my face. "Ash? You there?"

"Wha..." I said, before what she said registered. "What oh Yeah, sorry."

She smirked. "Was wittle Ashikins thinking about dat spwider?"

I glared at her, in a playful way. "Of course not."

Her eyebrows pull together, becoming serious. "Then what are you distracted about?"

My cheeks flush, but I don't answer. Instead, I turn and pick up the dust rag, and start dusting the hitch. She watches me for a minute, deep in thought, then gasps. She bounds over to me, taking the dust rag from me, causing my OCD to increase due to the unevenness of what has been dusted and what is still left.

"Where you fantasizing about my dark haired cousin?" She asks, teasing as always.

I sigh, knowing that if I tell her the truth, she's going to give me a speech, but knowing we don't have time for a speech, I grit my teeth and let out the first and hopefully the only lie I ever have to tell her.

"Yes, yes I was," my voice was strained, and uneven and it was hard to tell from her expression if she knew I was lying or not.

Truth is, I was trying to understand this...this...conflict I had when I saw both Bo and Luke shirtless while working. I've seen them both shirtless while they were fixing the general, just a couple days ago, and the only one I was attracted to them was Luke, but there was something about the way Bo carried himself just now that had a certain attractiveness to it.

Daisy hands me back my rag, with a bit of a smirk on her face. "Here, you missed a spot."

I rolled my eyes and lightly punched my friends shoulder, guilt bubbling in my stomach. She turned away, to return to her other chores. I sighed and continued on with my dusting, wondering why my life was so complicated.

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