Chapter 18

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I told Luke I was going to bed, just in case Bo woke up and saw that I was gone. He nodded once, and continued to stare at the spot above Bo's head. I stood up and walked down the hall, clutching the notebook close to me. As I approached the bedroom, my mind wandered to what I had read. It would seem, and I had a feeling about this since I first got here, that both the guys liked me.

'Lovely,' I thought, my shoulders slouched. 'Wouldn't it be nice if my life wasn't so complicated?'

I stepped into the room and dropped the book down onto my songbook, which was still lying on my bed. I blinked a couple times and searched the bed for my guitar. My hand found it before my eyes did, so I picked it up and put it back in the guitar case. I couldn't really see what I was doing, but that's ok, this wouldn't be the first time I've had to blindly put my guitar back into the case.

As soon as the latched were shut, high pitched sirens could be heard from the distance. I groan, not again. Can't they just learn to leave us alone? We haven't done anything wrong. I get up from the ground, and walked back into the living room. Luke was standing my the window, looking out, and Bo was sitting up on the couch, watching Luke.

"It's Rosco," Bo muttered, but Luke shook his head.

"No, it sounds more like Enos," he says as I approach him.

He doesn't say anything when I just appear on his left side. He looks at me and smiles before going back to staring out the window.

"Thought you were going to bed?" Bo asks from the couch.

I turn to face him. "Well I was, but it ain't exactly easy to sleep with sirens blaring."

He shrugs. "Yeah, true."

Luke makes a strangled sound from next to me, then backs away from the window, pulling me along with him. I'm about to ask why, when I hear two unfamiliar voices outside.

"In the house," A deep voice says.

"Why not the barn?" The other asks. 

"You idiot, the house would be warmer," The first one says, and by the sounds of it, he smacked his accomplice.

"Alright alright, no need for violence," the second one says.

A few seconds later, the knob on the front door is being toyed with, or picked if that's a better word for it. The lock clicks and the door swings open. My heart races in my chest, yet I'm not afraid. Luke was in the marines, and Bo's a pretty decent fighter, and I've taken karate, so unless these idiots have loaded guns, we should be fine.

The two idiots in question, slowly step into the house, and into sight. I gasp when I recognize them. They're the two that jumped me by the lake when I was 10 years old, and helpless. They're supposed to be in jail at the very least, for the rest of their lives. Jumping me wasn't the only crime they commuted. Yup, they raped me. Idiots.

I twist out of Lukes grip and march into their line of sight, clearing my throat. It takes a minute, but the red head seems to recognize me. His eyes narrow and his teeth clench together.


"Me," I say, calmly yet viciously. "And I suggest you two idiots take a hike and get the Hell out of here, before I make you!"

They laugh.

"What's the worst you can do?" The red head asks. "Set your little Bosykins on us?"

Bo jumps up from the couch, about to beat the crap out of the idiots, but Luke steps in front of him to stop him. They have a two minute whispered conversation, before Bo sits back down on the couch. Luke walks over to me, and pushes me behind him, like a protect brother...or boyfriend.

"I would listen to her," he says, being taller than them, hes looking down at them. "Or you may never see the light of day again."

Surprisingly, they don't flinch away like most people would. The smaller of the two, who just so happens to be a blonde, steps forward and glares at Luke.

"You cant do anything to us," he says, reaching into his coat pocket, "oh we're liable to get angry and she knows what happens when we get angry." He turns his gaze to me, then  pulls out a gun, and points it at Luke, who doesnt seem fazed by it. "Now get over on the couch, both of you!"

I roll my eyes, but grab Lukes hand and drag him over to the couch. I sit in the middle between the two. I don't know why, but I feel safer that way.

Oh dear, what's gonna happen to them? Poor Ashley, do you think the guys know she was raped by the two idiots, or did she keep it from them? Ahh keep reading to find out.  

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