Chapter 19

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Both Bo and Luke are glaring daggers at the two idiots in front of us, both have guns out. I just pray that Uncle Jesse and Daisy don't wake up yet. They don't need to see this soo early in the morning. I lean on Luke, who puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. Bo doesn't do anything about this. I guess after our little talk, he and Luke came to a silent agreement about it. That or he's too busy glaring at the two with the guns, to do anything.

"What should we do with them?" The Blonde asks the red head, who in turn slaps him across the back of the head.

"Keep them here you idiot!"

I smile, seems these two still cant get along. Maybe we could use that to our advantage. I, on the other hand, am too tired to argue with anybody, so I get myself as comfortable as possible, and drift off to sleep.

*Lukes POV*

I tugged Ashley closer to me, seeing the look in the guys eyes, that keep scanning her body with lust. Bo took the blanket off the back of the couch, and threw it over her, giving me a look. He too had noticed the lust in their eyes. He leans back against the couch and closes his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

I guess I'm taking the first watch, just to make sure they don't try anything with Ashley. I pull her closer to me, and she brings her legs up on the couch, yet her eyes never open and her breathing stays the same. She must be used to doing these things in her sleep.

*Ashleys pov*

"Go away," I mumble, trying to fish the person off of me.

He chuckles. "I don't think I can to that, until you wake up."

I frown, oh so I'm asleep? Ok that makes more sense.

I open my eyes to find that I'm leaning on Luke, well more like laying on him, with his arm around my shoulders. I snuggle into his side.

"Just a few more minutes," I mumble, groggy.

He shakes me gently, whispering. "Come on Ash, wake up. Theres a good girl."

I groan but allow myself to be woken up, the sun nearly blinding me. I shield my eyes and sit up to see 'HIM' sitting in the chairs across from Luke and myself. My eyes widen and I seem to automatically tighten my grip on Luke. His arm moves from around my shoulders to around my waist, pulling me relativity close to him. I sigh, feeling safe once again.

Memories of last night come rushing back to me, and I gasp.



"Where's Bo?" I ask, looking around for the attractive blonde, but not seeing him anywhere.

Luke frowns. "He, uh, he got up to go to bed sometime around 5. The red head followed him, saying something about making sure he doesn't try to escape or anything."

My eyes widen. "B-Ben followed him?"

"Ben?" Luke asks, looking down at me, frowning in confusion.

I nod. "Yeah, his name is Ben. He's the one that...uh..." I trial off.

I told the guys what happened, and they both wanted to send him to the hospital, but since we were only kids, there wasn't much we could do. After Ben....well....I pretty much pushed all guys away for two years. It's not that I didn't trust them, its just I didn't want to let my guard down and have that happen to me again.

Uncle Jesse contacted Boss, who was a lot more understanding back then, who immediatly got ahold of the state police, who then arrested Ben and James, and the judge sentenced them to life in prison. I'm sure the sentence wouldn't have been so severe had I not been so young.

Luke teeth clenched together and he glares across the room at James, who seemed to be asleep. I would suggest making a gateway but I was too tired to run, and I don't think Luke got any sleep last night, so he would be in no condition to drive.

"We should've beat them when we had the chance," he growls.

"Luke," I sigh. "You were 13 I don't think you could take on a 20 year old. He would've killed you, and we wouldn't want you dead. You'll get your chance, just be patient."

He sighs and nods. That's one thing about Bo and Luke, they usually agree with me, and now I know the reason why. I look over to James, who was passed out in the chair. I turn back to Luke who looks as though he was going to pass out any second.

"You need some sleep," I whisper.

He nods, his eyes sliding closed. I snuggle closer to him, and he tightens his grip around me. A few minutes later, his grip lessens and his breathing has become even. I smile. There's no need for him to stay awake, he needs his energy for later anyways.

I'M SOO SORRY THIS IS BAD. ok the next chapter should be better. Please comment and vote. Thanks :)

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