chapter 32

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I stand like a statue for a moment, waiting for him to speak first. I realize that we're in the middle of a field not far from the house, but I don't want to have to speak first, it doesn't make any sense. If I speak first, then turn around and realize that its the wrong one, sometimes they smell the same, then I'll be screwed over. I won't be able to look either of them in the eye ever again, and I will probably pack up to leave. This is the moment of truth, the moment where I know who I will be with, I can't have that ruined by a stupid mistake such as me saying he wrong ones name.

"Ash," he says, his voice deep, and husky, just the way I like it.

I turn, slowly, my eyes landing on his blue buttoned up, plaid shirt. My eyes slowly trail up his shirt to his neck, then to his lips, remembering the feel of them on mine. His eyes come next, and I stare into them, memorizing the shade of them, watching how they sparkle when he looks at me. His hair comes next, and I can't help but stare at its curly look, remembering the softness of it, when it was inbetween my fingers.

I turn my attention back to his eyes, that were sparkling with so much love, I almost have to pinch myself to prove that this is not a dream. A small smile forms on my lips, realizing that he really does love me, sometime I thought impossible. All this time, for the past 4 years, I had assumed his love was simply that of a brother protecting his sister from the evil of the world. But now I realize that its much deeper than that. He loves me. He really loves me, and by the sudden increase of my heart rate, I know I love him.

"Luke," I whisper, then run into his arms, tears forming in my eyes.

His arms snake around my waist, holding me close to him, almost like hes afraid that if he doesn't, hes going to lose me forever. If only he knew that I couldn't let him go either. Here he was, hugging me like his life depended on it, and my mind had tried to convince me I didn't love him, not the way he so clearly loved me. But that was all a lie. Yes I love Bo, but the love I have for him is similar to a brother/sister love. My love for Luke goes way deeper than that, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

We pull apart, staring into each others eyes, not caring who was watching, if anyone was. Luke reaches up and strokes my cheek, choking out those three words I've been waiting to hear.

"I love you."

I smile, whispering, "I love you too."

He leans down and presses his lips to mine, rougher than he's ever down before, but ever so gently, like he's afraid he'll break me. I press my lips back against his, deepening the kiss, silently telling him that I'm not as fragile as he thought. He pulls back a couple minutes later, stroking my cheek yet again, a smile spreading across his lips. I know my cheeks where flushed, but I didn't care, my own lips pulling up into a smile. All that mattered to me was here, in my arms, and it would appear, he wasn't ready to leave anytime soon.

GAHH I gave myself feels. Did anyone else get feels? Because I just...I can't.
Hope you guys liked this. Please don't hate me:)
Love ya

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