Chapter 24

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"Who?" Ben asks, directing his question to Luke.

"Rosco," Luke says, his lips tugging up into a smile. "The sheriff."

James steps forward, tugging on Bens arm, much like a child would do to their parents. Ben turns to him, smiling.


"That could be..." James begins, trailing off, as he too, breaks into a smile.

Luke and I share a look. What are they talking about? It was only the two of them that were there when Ben...uh...raped me, who could it be?

Roscos car pulls up to the farm. The people inside turn off the sirens, and the flashing lights. After a moment, they step out of the car, and Boss's voice echos through the house. I smirk at Ben and James.

"You're in for it now boys."

"Oh really," Ben says, motioning me over to the window.

I slowly walk over to him, careful to keep my distance, and peak out the window. Boss and Rosco were talking to a tall, rather attractive man, in a prisoners uniform. Oh crap, don't tell me...that this guy, who ever he is, is working with Ben and James. Great just great.

I push myself away from the window, only to by grabbed when I turn to walk over to the couch.

"YOU LET HER GO!" Uncle Jesse, Bo and Luke yell.

Ben let's me go, probably out of shock, and I practically run to Bo and Luke, who are both on their feet, standing protectively in front of me. Daisy walks out of the kitchen, confused about what's going on. She scans the room, her eyes landing on Bo, Luke and myself. She raises an eyebrow. I mouth 'Ben' and anger immediatly comes over her features.she turns and throws the bowl she was holding straight at Ben. It collides with his face, then falls to the ground, shattering into 8 or 9 pieces.

Before anyone could react to that, the front door opens and boss hogg leads the way into the house, followed closely by Rosco and....well I don't know his name, but the guy they were talking to outside.

"Roger," James says, smiling and nodding to him.

The guy behind Rosco, presumably Roger, turns his head in James direction, nodding to him in greeting. Lukes body language shifts from protective stance to 'where have I heard that name before?'. I reach out and touch his arm, causing him to turn to face me.

"Do you know him?" I question in a whisper.

He nods. "I think I was in the Marines with him. I'm not sure though, but he looks like a Roger that I boxed against."

I frown. "A boxer?"

He nods once again. "But I'm not 100% sure."

I let his arm go, my eyebrows knitting together as I processed this new tidbit of information. He reaches out and touches my cheek, his thumb tracing my jawline, the left corner of his lip tugging up into a sort of half smile.

The urge to kiss him is just too unbearable, so I fling my arms around his neck, and, quiet literally, crash my lips onto his. This doesn't seem to surprise him, as he kisses me back, without a moment of hesitation. His arms go around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and I tighten my grip around his neck, not too much, just enough for him to let out a quiet chuckle.

We are pulled apart by Bo and Daisy, both looking quiet amused. I give Daisy a confused look, and she points over her shoulder at Boss and Rosco. I look up and nearly burst out laughing at the looks on their faces. I turn my head and giggle into Lukes shoulder, who seems to be shaking from suppressed laughter.

I guess we 'forgot' to inform Boss and Rosco about Luke and I. Not that they would care, but I think it would have helped with the shock. I'm just glad Enos isn't here, the poor boy has had a crush on me, since 6th grade. I've done my best to show him that I don't feel the same way, even going as far as sitting him down and having a long conversation with him about it. He seemed fine with it at the time, but I just fear that his crush might develop into something else, and I can tell Daisy kind of has a thing for him, and I wouldn't want to hurt either of them.

"Now just wait a cotton pickin minute here," Rosco says, and I peak over Lukes shoulder to find Rosco staring at the two of us. "You mean that Luke and Ashley are...they..."

"Yes Rosco," Bo says, surprising us all, and judging by his facial expression, shocking himself as well. "Luke and Ashley are a thing."

I give him a look of confusion mixed with gratitude. Confused at him being the one to tell Rosco instead of Luke or myself, and grateful that I didn't have to be the one to tell him. Do you know how hard it is to argue with a sheriff who never believes ya no matter what you say? It's very very frustrating.

"Oh well shame shame," Rosco says, running his left pointer finger along his right one in a 'shame on you' manner, in Bos direction. "I know what this is about. You all staged this here to get an extension on your mortgage payment."

"Rosco will you please," Boss says, giving him and annoyed look. "Eh...and it didn't work, no. aren't getting an extension on the mortgage payments, which are due right about now," he looks at his pocket watch, an gleeful glint his is eyes.

I groan, annoyed, before turning and marching down the hall and into the bedroom I share with Daisy. I throw open the bigger of the two suitcases at the end of the bed and grab my wallet out of the back, pull out a couple hundred dollars, then place it back inside the suitcase, zipping it up and everything. I get up and march down the hall, slapping the money in the greedy man's hands, then walk back over to Luke, taking his hand in mine.

"You see Boss, this isn't a scam. There's the mortgage money. If we wanted an extension on the payment date, would it be paid right now?" I ask, ignoring the looks I'm getting from the Dukes.

ASHLEY JUST PAID THE MORTGAGE PAYMENTS.....where has she gotten all her money from, and why were the dukes upset with her?
Please vote and comment. Thanks so much countrystories for the shout out, it means a lot.

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