Chapter 5

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*Ashleys pov*

"Hey daisy," I say, walking away from Bo and Luke, who were staring at one another. Bo was giving Luke the death glare and Luke was giving him a look I didn't recognize.

"Hey," she says, giving her cousins a strange look.

Neither one of them notice, they just continue staring at one of them. Daisy and I share a look, and I walk over to them, snapping my fingers in front of their faces. They blink, and turn to me, each raising an eyebrow. I give both of them a death glare, then turn and walk into the house. Daisy tells Bo to get my things, then follows me. I walk into the kitchen, to find uncle Jesse cooking something at the stove. It smelled delicious.

"Mmm what's that lovely smell?" I question, walking up behind him to peer over his shoulder at the contents in the bowl on the stove.

"Stew," Jesse answers me, pushing me away from him.

I giggle, and turn to daisy, the smile fading when I spot Bo and Luke standing behind her. They're both staring at me, a strange look in their eyes. It's a look I've seen before but I can't figure out what it is. Bo clears his throat, fidgeting with my bags in his arms. I notice my guitar case is missing.

"Uh...I uh...I'll just go put these in Daisys room," he disappears down the hall without another word.

I watch him go, then turn and direct my question to Luke. "Where's my guitar?"

He snaps out of his trance and holds up my guitar case. I sigh in relief, holding my hand out for it. Not that I don't trust him, but I'm suffering from guitar withdrawls. He holds the case out for me, and I take it, noticing our fingers lightly brushing, before pulling it back, and to my side. Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion comes over me, and I yawn widely, stretching my arms out, looking over my shoulder making sure the guitar case doesn't accidently hit uncle Jesse. My arms slam into my sides, instantly becoming limp out of exhaustion. I blink a couple times to try to bring my focus back, but my eyelids droop, making that impossible.

Daisy takes my arm, she says something, but I don't understand her because my mind is going into sleep mode. She drags me down the hall to what I'm assuming is her room. She leads me over to one of the beds, after telling the blonde to get out, and sits me down, prying my fingers off the guitar handle, and laying me down. The second my head touches the pillow, I'm out.

"Ash?" A gentle voice says, shaking my gently. "Come on sweety wake up."

I open my eyes, blinking a few times until my eyes adjust. Lukes face swims into view, a small smile plastered on his face. His blue eyes swimming with love, as he leans down and gently touches his lips to mine. My heart races and I deepen the kiss, ignoring the fact that I have morning breath. My fingers seem to automatically run through his thick brown hair, which was softer than I thought it would be.

Much to my dismay, he pulls back, grinning once again. "Morning beautiful."

My eyes fly open, my heart pounding against my chest, breathing heavily. I sit up, looking around the now dark room. Daisy was laying in the bed on the other side of the room, fast asleep. I watch her for a minute, before deciding I need to go on a walk, to try to clear my mind.

I push the blankets off me, and slip my bare feet into the slippers that were next to my bed. I know they aren't mine, but they fit and are comfy so I'll just wear them. I get up and walk out of the bedroom, tugging my jacket tighter around me, shivering at the cold night air. I turn and close the window. Ok maybe I won't go for a walk, maybe I'll just drink some tea, then try to go back to sleep.

I walk into the kitchen and fill the tea pot with water, and set it gently on the stove, as to not wake anyone. I turn and grab a coffee mug out of the cabinet, setting that quietly on the table. I turn back and search through the cupboards, finding the tea bags on the top shelf in the cabinet and lucky me, I can't reach it. I go to just kneel on the counter to reach it, until an arm comes out of nowhere and grabs the tea bags. I jump, and clutch my heart, when I recognize it as Lukes.

"Sorry," he whispers, his voice all husky.

He holds the tea bags in front of me, and I take them, turning to face him and once again, our bodies are rather closer than I expected. My breath hitches and I just stare at his chest, feeling my cheeks flush. He backs away and I walk past him to the table.       

I've been like really busy and ik I promised an update this morning, and now I just feel awful. I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to do the marathon tomorrow. I will try to post another update today. I can't guarantee anything but I shall do my best.
Sorry loves, I'll get on the next chapter soon. 

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