chapter 3 *edited*

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My eyes nearly pop out of my head. The boy was shirtness and damn he looks HOT. He walks up to the drivers side, leaning down and sticking his head into the car.

"Luke, I'm gonna need some help, I can't figure out what's wrong with the general."

'That's because you're too dense to fix a car', I think but don't say it. I would never actually say that to the guy, besides I didn't want to upset him when he was standing all shirtless and muscular infront of me. Luke mumbles something along the lines of 'can't you do anything right?' and climbs out of the car, and over to the engine. He disappears under the hood, along with Bo. They talk for a minute before closing the hood and climbing back in the car, both looking stressed out.

"What's wrong?" I ask, confused as ever.

They share a look but neither one says anything. I frown at their strange behavior but sit back in the seat anyways. Luke tries to start the car, when that doesn't work, he swears again and gets out, popping the hood as he goes. He disappears under the hood, and I turn and grab Bo's arm as he attempts to get out as well. He sits back down, turning to face me, confused.

"You stay here and I'll go see what's wrong," I say, climbing over the seat and out the window.

Bo mumbles something that sounded an awful lot like 'WOMEN!' I ignore him, and turn to check the engine but stop at the sight in front of me. Luke is Shirtless, man what is it with theses guys and having to be Shirtless when they work on cars? I shake my head to clear it and walk over to him, standing about a centimeter away so I can see what he's doing. His eyebrows are knitted together as he pulls on the wrench to tighten something or rather. See, I don't know much about cars, although I've fixed quiet a few in my life, I still don't know what everything is called.

I scan the engine and find a wire that had popped out of place. I reach for it, causing Luke to jump and drop the wrench. Luckily, it fell through and hit the ground without messing anything else up. I jump in return, pulling my arm back and turning to face him.

"What was that for?"

He turns to me and I realize how close our faces are. Let's just say if they were any closer, we would probably be kissing by now. And as much as I want to do that, the thought scares me to death. Imagine what it would do to our friendship if we ended up breaking up or something.

"It's more like, what's with sneaking up on me and scaring me half to death?" Luke says, well more like whispers.

"I didn't mean to scare you," I say, turning my head to face the engine once again. "But that dohicky is out of place."

He laughs. "Dohicky?"

I turn back to face him, leaning on the bumper of the car. "Yes, dohicky. I don't know the name for it."

He shakes in head. "Well, what...uh...'dohicky' is it?"

I roll my eyes, and reach forward to re connect the wire to where its supposed to be. I hiss and pull my hand back when I get a shock, that more surprised me than hurt me. I shake my hand a couple times to stop the burn, and reach forward, grabbing the wire in a different place and connect it back to the...Hell I don't even know what its called.

Luke calls to Bo to have him start the engine, or at least try to turn it over, as he gets down under the car to retreve the wrench he dropped. He quickly scrambles out from under the car, as Bo turns to key to start it. It takes a couple tries but it starts like it should. Bo yeehaws from the car and Luke just gives me a smile. Then, pickes me up and puts me back in the car through the drivers side window. I quickly slide in and into the backseat, before he can slide in on me. I turn to see how Rosco and Boss are, spotting the green paint of Cooters tow truck.

I watch for a second and Cooter turns to us, waving. I wave back, so he can go back to hooking up Roscos car, to be towed back to his garage. I let out a soft giggle and turn back to face the front. Luke steps on the gas and we speed off down the road. A very familiar one I might add.   

Who else hates autocorrect or am I the only one? Like its ok when it corrects the word and its the word I wanted but when its something else its like 'seriously autocorrect *sings* WHY YOU GOTTA BE SOO RUDE? DON'T YOU KNOW I'M HUMAN TOO?'
That is all, for now. Hope y'all like the story:)

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