chapter 15

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"And how could you not tell me you work at the Boars nest?" I demand.

Her eyes widen. " did you....?"

I sigh. "It's obvious isn't it? The only place I've mentioned that I wouldn't get caught working at in a million years."

" was...I just..." She stutters, seeming unable to form proper sentences.

"But that's ok," I say, crossing my arms over the top of the guitar and resting my chin on my arms. "There's nothing wrong with earning a little money."

Her cheeks flush. "Actually, I'm not earning a lot of money."

"What do you mean?" I ask, tilting my head to the side, my eyebrows creasing together in confusion.

"I'm only working there as a favor to Uncle Jesse," she mumbles, her face turning a bright red color.

"Uh...what?" I ask, the confusion increasing.

"Bo and I wanted to enter the general in a race, but we needed 500 dollars that we didn't have, so we had to make a deal with Boss, or he would've charged 30% interest. So Daisy stepped forward and offered to work at the Boars nest, for 15% interest," Luke explains stepping forward.

"Yes and we won because I was driving," Bo growls, eyeing Luke with irritation.

"Bo," I say, "drop it before I drop kick ya!"

Daisy giggles. "Sounds like someone's gotten a little violent within the past 4 years."

"Well I did take karate," I say, shrugging. "Dad thought I needed it."

"You know," Luke says, crossing the room and throwing an arm over my shoulders, causing me to blush. "I wouldn't mind you drop kicking him."

"Luke," uncle Jesse says, warningly.

Luke just shrugs, keeping his arm around my shoulders. Bo glares at him, looking like he wants to say something, but decides agaisnt it. He turns on his heel and stomps down the hall, to his room. The door slams a few minutes later and I twist myself out of Lukes grip, then walk down the hallway and stop outside the door. I take a deep breath and knock.

"Come in," Bo says, then something crashes.

I open the door to find Bo standing by the bed, staring down at the floor. I look down to find a notebook laying on the floor, the book is open to the center page, to reveal extremely messy handwriting. I step around him and pick it up. He attempts to take it back but I manage to read the first few lines before he grabs it out if my hands, closing it quickly.

"Bo?" I ask, frowning at what I read and how he's been acting. "What's going on with you?"

He sighs, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, but flinching at his wounds. My face softens and I reach forward, gently touching his cheek. His eyes close for a brief moment, then open and he walks away from me, across the room and onto the bed on the other side. I sigh and cross the room, before sitting next to him. I sit a little closer than I probably should have, but if I'm right, this will help me prove my theory. He stiffens, but doesn't move away.

"Bo," I say, softly. "What's going on? You and Luke used to get along so well. Is it me? Have I done something wrong?"

He sighs, turning to me. I make sure our faces are mere inches apart. He stares at me for a minute, seeming mesmorized by something, then blinks and takes a deep breath.

"No, you haven't done anything wrong," he says, then, I would say to my surprise, but I kind of anticipated it, he lightly touches his lips to mine.

I pull away, turning to stare at the ground. "I see." 

O_O OMG WHAT THE....ok so apparently Bo has a thing for Ashley....hmm who'da thunk?
Don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks loves :)

OMG YOU'VE GOTTA SEE ROSCO WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER. I'll try to post a picture in the next chapter!!! 

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