Chapter 27

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"Now wait just a cotton picken minute," uncle Jesse says from his spot by the kitchen door. "If you're gonna fight, do it outside, not in my house!"

"Yes sir," Ben and Luke say in unison.

Neither of them appear to want to be the first one out, and I don't blame them. The first one out is usually given a cheap shot from behind by the other. I sit on Bos lap for a minute, watching them to see who's going to be the bigger man and lead the way out, but it appears that neither of them what to step up and take that role.

I jump off of Bo and march over to them, pushing Ben to take the lead then grabbing Lukes wrist and pulling him outside. Once they're both outside, and I'm well out of range, the fight begins.

Ben takes a swing at Luke, who ducks, and punches Ben in the stomach. Ben stumbles back, but recovers quickly, and punches Luke across the face. Lukes shocked for a moment, but recovers a little quicker than I would've thought possible, and punches Ben in the stomach, followed by a left hand to the face.

Ben stumbles back, grabbing the tree for support, and clutches his stomach, breathing heavily. He looks up, studying Luke, who's wiping some blood away from his bottom lip, and rushes at him, trying to punch every inch of him. Luke ducks almost every shot, except the last one, delivered straight toward his jaw.

Luke stumbles back, shakes his head, and swings his leg out (kind of like a karate kick), and it connects with Bens stomach. Ben doubles over, clutching his stomach, gasping for air. I watch for a minute, but turn my head when he throws up. Eww gross. I just hope he isn't hurt too bad, although he does deserve this little beating, which I'm sure Luke had been wanting to give him for the past 11 years.

Ben wipes his mouth, grabs the bumper guard on the car to his left, and manages to hoist himself up. Once balanced on his feet, he glares at Luke, who is returning the glare with one of his own. It's hard to tell which one is angrier, Luke or Ben.

*skip till end of fight*

I flinch as Bens fist connects with the right side of Lukes face, catching him off guard, causing him to lose his balance and fall on his back. Ben gets down on his knees and raises his fist to punch Luke in the face again, but Luke reaches out and grabs his arm, pushing it away from his face. Once Bens fist is an inch above the ground, and away from Lukes body, Luke let's it go, causing Bens fist to collide rather painfully with the ground.

Bens fast twists in pain, his mouth falls open and his eyes widen. There was a faint cracking sound when his fist collided with the ground, so I think its either broken, or fractured. (A/N I honestly don't know the difference)

Luke quickly scrambles to his feet, lifting his foot up, and placing it on Bens lower back, pushing him down, painfully, onto the ground. Ben grunts and he lies motionless for a couple seconds. At first I was under the impression that he was dead, until I realized that his head must've hit the ground and caused him to pass out.

When he comes to, he turns over and sits up, looking around, confused. That is, until he spots Luke, who was know standing by me, his arm around my waist, hugging me close to him.

"Alright," Ben says, getting to his feet. "You won and a deals a deal. We'll leave but just remember this, next time we meet I won't go so easy on you. I will beat you, if its the last thing I ever do, I will defeat you."

He turns and stomps into the house. I turn and place my face in the crook of Lukes neck, wrapping my arms around his waist, feeling tears well in my eyes.

YAY LUKE WON THE FIGHT. WHOOP WHOOP. So why is Ashley crying if Luke won? What's going to happen to Ben and the others? They did escape from prison after all. More importantly, where were boss and Rosco during all this?
For the answers to these burning questions, tune in next time for the next installment off, 'is this love' written by JenHoranCliffordDuke.
As always, I love you guys, and I'm sorry for my chapters being so short.

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