Chapter 31

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What just happened? I though Ashley has a thing for Luke? Or is she just playing him? I internally slap myself for that one. Ashley would never do that, not in a million years. The only problem is, considering the look she was giving me, and the way Luke responded to that, she may be having second thoughts about her relationship with him. I would never try to come between them, not for any reason. I know I made some attempts at first, when I first found out. But now, I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt my cousin, and if that means him being happy with the girl I'm in love with, well then so be it.

"Bo?" Luke asks, once uncle Jesse takes Ashleys arm and leads her into another room. For whatever reason I don't know.

"Yeah?" I ask, looking up at him.

"What...what just happened?" He questions, seeming to be having the same thought process as me.

"No idea," I say, frowning, and looking down.  "I reckon Ashleys having second thoughts about this."

Lukes body stiffens, and he turns and heads outside before I have tiem to realize what I said could have two meanings.

*Ashleys pov*

"Whats up?" I ask uncle Jesse, once he let's my arm go, turning me around to face him.

"What's going on with you and Bo?" He asks, his eyebrows knitting together in concern.

"Honestly, I don't know. I'm just so confused. I thought my feelings for him, were only a brotherly sisterly love, but I guess I was wrong." I answer, rubbing my pointers on my forehead, trying to clear it, or simple make sense of what happened.

I was almost 100 percent certain that the only duke I felt that way about was Luke, and I've felt this way for quiet some time now. Then the interaction that happened between Bo and myself, not too long ago, well that made me second guess everything. Now I just wish I hadn't come, not just because of how much this complicated my life, but how much drama I am putting this family through. The same family that has helped me more than they've had to, and haven't asked for anything in return.

"Don't stress about it," uncle Jesse says. "I have a good way to figure it out, if you're interested."

"I just want to stop hurting them, so I'll take any advice I can get." I answer, looking him in the eyes.

His face shifts to shock, but quickly changes back to his normal face, trying to hide something. Perhaps the look on my face was enough to shock him. Maybe he wasn't expected me to be so up front with him. Maybe he was expecting me to tell him to back off and let me live my life, but that's just not the kind of person I am. I would never say that to him. He's been through soo much, that I could use any and all the advice he has for me.

"Well," he says, seeming to have nearly composed himself. "One thing you could do would be to go on a walk, clear you're mind."

"Good idea," I say, turning to leave the room, but he stops me.

"But dont clear it too much. Let your mind and your heart choose which one you want. And stick with that one, don't let doubt cloud what you have with that one."

"Thanks uncle Jesse," I say, giving him a quick smile, before exiting the room, and heading down the hall toward Daisys room. I enter the room and instantly start searching through my things for my jacket. I find it and shrug it on, before going out the back door and starting my walk.

At first, I'm just walking in a daze, letting my mind clear itself, just enjoying the walk, until I have to focus on my reason for my walk. The guys are the nicest I've ever met, and any girl would be lucky to date either one of them, but for some reason they both want me. I'm not sure which one I want, I thought I knew, but my mind is now telling me I don't want the one I already have, or at least I hope I still have. Hopefully I won't have to break his heart, just because mine wants Bo.

Bo might be very attractive, but he's not all that bright, at least not when you talk to him. On the other hand, he's a good driver, and could shake off Rosco without a second thought. But then there's his sensitive side, where even the smallest thing causes him to fall apart. However, he is one of the kindest people I've ever met in my life. A bit short tempered, but most of the time he's in control of his temper, especially when he's around me. At least that's what Daisy says.

Then there's Luke, who's quicker on the draw, at least logically he is. He comes up with these great plans, when brought out right, usually tend to work, especially when it involves out smarting Boss and Rosco. But, he's very short tempered, more so than Bo. Like, if a guy were to even look at me, he would be up their Ass and try to beat them to the core. I get that he's only being protective, but it gets annoying after a while.

A crunch behind me pulls me from my thoughts. I don't even have to turn to know who it is, his scent is recognizable from a mile away.

Mwahahahahahahahaha I feel evil leaving yall on this cliffhanger.
Just so ya know, who ever it is that's behind her, is who shes going to choose. You'll have to keep reading to figure out who. *wink wink*
Anyways, sorry for taking so long to update, but I'm helping @hazzardgirl11 with her story, and its kind of distracted me.
Love you guys, like a lot.

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