Chapter 20

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"You," Ben says, pointing his gun at me. "Go make breakfast!"

Daisy and uncle Jesse glare at him, but its nothing compared to the death looks he's getting from Bo and Luke. Currently, its 10:00 in the morning, and the chores have yet to be done. Uncle Jesse and daisy got up not to long ago, and looked completely terrified. Bo got up not much later, and was pushed into the room by Ben pointing the gun right into Bos back. I wanted to punch the crap out of the both of them, but refrained from it, I didn't want him to 'accidently' shot Bo, who was already in enough pain as it is. Knowing Ben, he would've shot Bo's leg or something, so he didn't die, but suffered in pain in front of me.

I make like I was about to get up, but Luke grabbed my hand, giving me a worried look. I tell him I'll be fine, but his eyes show that he doesn't believe me. His eyes shift to the side then back to me. I give him a look, confused. He touches my cheek, and I look to the side. Ben's eyes narrow. It seems he knows what's about to happen. Lukes lips are on mine not much later, maybe 5 seconds later, causing my eyes to widen. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bo, whos looking rather smug. Well that's not the reaction I was thinking we'd get out of him, I think he and Luke were thinking the same thing, whatever that would be.

Luke pulls back not much later, the corners of his mouth turning up in a smile. I give him a half smile before getting to make breakfast. Daisy follows me, having been forced by James to help me. Once in the kitchen, daisy grabs my shoulder.

"What's going on?" She whispers, urgently.

"I honestly don't know," I whisper back, going to grab some eggs out of the refrigerator. "You remember what happened nearly 11 years ago?" She nods. "I think this is their...uh...'revenge' per say, of my getting them thrown in jail."

He eyes narrow. "They raped you. They deserve to be in prison."

I sigh. "I know, but they don't seem to think so."

She shoots a glare in Ben's direction, then proceeds to help me with breakfast.

*After breakfast*

Bo, Luke, daisy and uncle Jesse smile at me, saying a silent thank you. Ben and James on the other hand, haven't eaten much. Ben gets up and throws the food, along with the plate, into the trash. He then walks back over, grabs James' plate, who doesn't try to take it back, and dumps that as well.

"That was disgusting, where'd you learn to cook? A jail house?" Ben growls, grabbing my hair and throwing me into the living room.

I land on my hands and knees, feeling my wrists crack. Great now I've sprained my wrists, lovely. The dukes get up to help me, but James points his gun at them, telling them to, and I quote, "sit their asses down." I turn to glare at him, but Ben grabs my hair and drags me back up to my feet. He pulls my head back, glaring my in the eyes, smiling evilly.

"Now, you are going to give me what I want," he says, while stroking my cheek. "And you won't make a single sound, unless I tell you to."

His body is pulled off mine. I look up to find both Bo and Luke, glaring at him. They're both standing in front of me, protectively, glaring down at Ben, who was now lying on the floor. Ben slowly gets up, clutching the gun tightly, before pointing it at Luke and firing. 

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