Chapter 2 *Edited*

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I was pandering this when uncle Jesse's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Ashley Gyres, you have grown into a beautiful young lady."

I blush. "Thanks uncle Jesse."

"I ain't your....oh never mind." He says, as always attempting to scold me for calling him uncle Jesse, them seems to think better of it.

Daisy and I laugh. Cooter let's my hand go and I turn to face him, confused. His eyes are on Bo and Luke. I turn to them only to find them both staring at Cooter with deadly expressions. Talk about if looks could kill. Seriously, I would be worried for Cooters life.  Speaking of, I turn to face him, fear evident in his eyes. I turn back to the guys, snapping my fingers in front of their faces to get their attention. They both jump and turn to face me, curiously.

"I don't really have a thing for Cooter, I was only messing with ya so stop giving him death looks," I scold, giving them the exact look I just told them not to give Cooter.

They both jump back in surprise. They share a look then head over to their car, lifting the hood, more than likely to check to make sure it was fixed properly. I'm on the verge of telling them its fine, when Daisy taps my shoulder, pulling my attention away from the guys and to her, uncle Jesse and Cooter. 

"When did you get back in town?" Jesse asks.

"Oh," I say, waving a finger in his direction. "That, sir, is an excellent question."

"That it is," An all too familiar voice says from the doorway.

I groan and turn in that direction, to find a short plump man in a white suit and hat standing in the doorway, with a taller, thinner, man next to him in a police uniform. My eyes nearly pop out of my head and I start laughing when I recognize the man in the police uniform. Rosco? A sheriff? Now that is funny.

"What'd you have to do to get that job?" I ask him in-between giggles, "Beg Lulu to get it for you?"

Daisy giggles from beside me, and even uncle Jesse has a tough time holding back a smile. Rosco on the other hand, glares at me.

"You, hush," he says, his eyes narrowed, "of I'll cuff ya and stuff ya."

I gasp in fake horror. "Oh dear, whatever shall I do?"

His eyes narrow into slits. "I'm serious, I'll cuff ya and stuff ya."

"You'll have to catch me first," I retort, crossing my arms over my chest, sending him a smirk.

He opens his mouth to say something else, but Boss interrupts him.

"Rosco hush, before I cuff and stuff you, then put you under the jail!"

Rosco looks apauled, and starts muttering under his breath. Now, I can read lips pretty well, but his were unreadable. Let's just say, he sometimes tends to slur his words together.

I turn my attention to the short, chubby man in the white suit, also known as Boss Hogg. "What do you want boss? And no," I add, before he has a chance to say anything, "I'm not going to work at the Boars nest. I'd rather die then work in a rat hole like that."

Daisy shifts uncomfortably next to me, confusing me as to the reason why. I ignore this for the time being, since Boss was in the room, and I didn't want to have a conversation with Daisy, with the nosest man in the word, within hearing distance.

"That's not why I came today," Boss says, putting on one of his fake smiles that fooled no one.

I roll my eyes. "And no I'm not working at your stupid little bank either. Or your radio station, or your racing track or anything else with the name hogg, unless the first name is Lulu."

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