Chapter 22

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I jolt awake, feeling Lukes grip around my waist tighten. I move my legs, only to feel Bo's legs underneath them. I look around, confused. Was...was that just a dream? I look to my left, my eyes narrowing at the red head sleeping in one of the chairs. Well, it would seem it was a dream, for the most part. Ben is still here, but something about him seems different. I can't place my tongue on what it is, but its...there's something there, and I will find out what it is.

Despite my slight attraction toward him, I still want to beat the living daylights out of him. He still raped me when I was 10. I was a child, and he invaded me like that. He deserved that jail time, and more.

Bo stirs, also jerking away, only to grit his teeth in pain, briefly, before looking down at his legs. It would seem in my unconscious dreamworld state, my legs ended up across his lap, and judging by his expression when he looks over to find that I'm awake as well, he doesn't mind much.

He gives me a half smile, nodding to Luke. "You should probably wake him."

I turn my attention to the man in question, before poking his cheek. When that doesn't work, I lightly pinch his arm thats around me. His eyes fly open and he looks around, confused. His eyes land on me and he sighs, before tilting his head back, letting out a huge yawn. I cover my mouth and mimic him. Well, as they say, yawning is contagious.

"Hey, you three," Ben says, scaring the living daylights out of me. "If you're all awake, you can go make breakfast."

I look over at him, seeing him with a gun, but it isn't pointed at us. His voice was kind of groggy, so I don't think he's fully awake yet. To be honest, neither am I. I was surprised by the way he said it though. I mean usually when you're holding someone hostage you demand things, while pointing at gun at them, not state it in a 'if you feel up to it' manner.

I sit up, stretching and yawning, flinching at a Sharp pain in my left shoulder blade. I lower my arm, and do little circular motions with my shoulder, then stretch it out again. This time, there is no pain, just the stretching of muscles.

I grab the blanket that was thrown over me, and stand up, placing the blanket back on the couch. Luke looks as though he wants to protest, but I hold my hand up to stop him. He stares at me for a minute, before leaning back against the couch, and closing his eyes. He looks completely and utterly exhausted. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek, then give Bo one, before heading into the kitchen to make breakfast. Hopefully my dream will remain that, a dream and not become reality.

Oh, so that was all a dream? *sigh* well at least Luke didn't actually get shot. Please don't hate me for this plot twist.
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