chapter 34

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"Come on ash," Daisy says, her tone pleading. "You can't just up and leave. You just got back."

I sigh, closing the suitcase, that mere hours before, had been unpacked, and was now re-packed. "I know daisy, this isn't easy, but its the only thing I could think of, to keep both the guys from one being jealous of the other for the rest of their lives." I finish closing the suitcase, and reach for the handle, grasping it tightly, so it doesn't slip out of my grip and make a bunch of noise.

It's 3 in the morning, and I've been up all night debating about whether or not I should stay, or go. I choose the later, thinking it would be best for everyone. Oh if only I knew how much pain this would cause me. If I did, I wouldn't be leaving, but me being young and foolish, I thought it best. 

"Ash, please go back to bed, and decide in the morning," Daisy pleads, though her voice is thick with sleep, and she is yawning like crazy, shes still making an effort to stop me, but its no use.

"I can't," I say, stubbornly. "I have to go. It's the only way."

"No it isn't," she says, letting out her biggest yawn yet.

I don't answer, just stare at her, knowing if I keep quite she'll think I fell asleep and won't have to worry about me leaving. I sit on the bed and hum a soft lullaby, until she falls asleep. I whisper her name a couple times, just to make sure that she is intact asleep, before quietly getting up, stinging my guitar strap over my shoulder, pick up both my suitcases and leave, not taking one look at the farm as I walk away, tears welding in my eyes.

I wipe them away, telling myself its going to get better, and the pain I feel will lessen. Little did I know the pain I was inflicting upon the entire duke family, and even Cooter.

Sorrrrrryyyyy ik its short. I'll make the next chapter longer. I promise.
Love you all

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