chapter 11

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"Just....ya know...try your best," Bo said, while attempting to shove me on stage.

'But I don't sing,' I thought, as uncle Jesse piped up.

"Just do your best, we need to beat boss somehow!"

"And this helps how?" I ask, perhaps a little ruder than I intended. I'm freaking out here. They want me to sing...on front of everyone, including Luke. Normally, I wouldn't have a problem with this, but the song they want me to sing, is one I wrote about Luke. I mean, how embarasing would that be? Let's just go on stage and sing about a guy who happens to be here, in the audience, who has no idea that you like him. Now isn't that a faboulous idea? *note the sarcasm*

"Come on Ashley," daisy pouts. "Please? Besides, Boss was talking the other day, and I overheard him say something about how you can't sing, and have no talent."

So that's what this is about eh? Wanting to prove boss wrong I see? I don't know how that's possible when he was right. I mean, I can't sing, and my attempt at playing the guitar the other day proved false.

"I'm still not gonna do this," I say, twisting out of Bo's grip and heading in the direction of the trees. 

I almost make it but a pair of strong arms grab my around the waist and pull me back, knocking the air out of my lungs. I gasp for air after the person let's me go. I turn to give said person a piece of my mind when I see that its Luke. My arm drops to my side and I give him an annoyed look.

"What was that for?" I question. "You know I don't like singing in front of a crowd."

"Please Ash?" He pleads, his blue eyes boring into mine, making it next to impossible for me to say no.

I however stand my ground. "No Luke, I can't do it!"

"Why not?" He asks, his blue eyes showing a rare emotion for him, anger.

"Because," I say, then end up blurting out what I was trying to keep from him. "That song is about you, idiot."

As soon as the words are out of my mouth, my hands fly up to cover my mouth. My eyes widen in fear, fearful that I have just given away my biggest secret yet, and it didn't even seem to faze him. That is, until he sees the look of horror on my face and his eyes widen, going about the size of rather large golf balls. His mouth falls open and the vein in his neck pulses. Not like it does when he's anger, but like it does when he's shocked.

"" He asks, doubtfully.

I sigh, nodding. "Yes, the song is about you. Now you can tell me how stupid it is, or how you don't feel the same. That's fine, really it is. I could just...."

He cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine, kissing me roughly, yet gently. (A/N If that makes any sense whatsoever)

My eyes fly open, my heart pounding roughly against my rib cage. My breathing is ragged, and I'm sweating like I just came back from running for 5 miles. I blink a few times, allowing my eyes to adjust to the dark room. I turn to see the time, 5:30. Daisys bed is empty, meaning she's up and doing her chores. I push the blankets off me, regretting it instantly when the cold air hits the bare skin on my legs. I grab my sweatpants that were swung over the end of my bed, and slide them on, instantly feeling the warmth the air had tried to take away from me.

I slip my feet into the slippers at the edge of the bed and push myself back up onto my feet. My legs start to wobble and I take one step forward, nearly faceplanting into the floor, lucky me, my legs decided to fall asleep on me. I sit down and stretch, allowing the blood to flow to my legs before getting up and walking out, down the hall to the kitchen, where Daisy stood preparing breakfast.

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