Chapter 25

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Boss opens and closes his mouth a few times, shocked that anyone would be willing to pay the mortgage for the dukes. Seeing as I grew up with them, I was more than willing to pay it. Of course, I know uncle Jesse will be wanting to pay me back for it, but I can't let him, he's done too much for me already.

The look uncle Jesse was giving me, was met with my stubborn one. I know that look, he's upset with me, but also happy that the mortgage was paid, and he didn't loss the farm that he spent soo long to kept. So I ignored his look for now, knowing the earful I'm bound to get later, and focused on Boss, who doesn't seem able to form words.

"Ok Boss, you've got your money, now get out," I say, before walking back over to Luke, wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

He seemed a bit shocked at first, but hugged me back anyways. My body relaxed and I buried my head in his neck, my heart racing. I've always had a thing for Luke, but never made it seem like it. Obviously I was worried about being rejected, but I guess I was worried about nothing. Knowing that Bo isn't too upset by it is slightly comforting, but knowing that he is upset with it, well that's a problem.

"Hey," Ben says, grabbing my hair, and pulling me back.

As soon as he let me go, I whipped around to punch him, but it wasn't Ben, it was James. I dropped my hand out of shock. James pulled me back? But that doesn't make any sense. Unless...unless he's jealous. that's not possible. I get bo and Luke liking me, I've known them since middle school when I first moved here, but James? No, its not possible. I barely know the guy, considering the fact that he is 9 years older than me, it doesn't make any sense.

Well Luke's 3 years older than me, and Bo is 3 years younger than me, and yet they both...Gaahhhh this is soo confusing. I slap James and turn back to Luke, grabbing his hand and dragging him over to the couch. He sits down, and pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms securely around my waist, in a protective manner.

Bo sits down next to us, taking my hand in his, tracing little circles on the scar on the back of my hand. Both Bo and Luke glare at James, who glares at me, for slapping him no doubt. I'm sure he would try to hit me or something, if it weren't for the fact that uncle Jesse, daisy, Luke, Bo and, surprisingly, Rosco, are very protective of me. Yes, Rosco is like a protective father when it comes to guys trying to grab me. He's that way with Daisy too, and I haven't quite figured out why, Considering the fact, he dispises the name duke and everything about it.

Boss isn't very....uh...sentimental when it comes to us, and often yells at Rosco for going easy on the Dukes when either myself or daisy are around. Ben seems to be a bit...protective of me as well, for he steps forward and smacks James, muttering something to him, that I can't pick up from this distance, even though its a rather short distance. It surprises me that he would smack James, considering he had done almost the same thing earlier when we were standing over by the window.

Now, this Roger guy, who was now standing with his back to the wall opposite us, was glaring at Ben. "Ben," he growls.

"What?" Ben demands, turning to face him.

Woah woah woah, ROSCO of all protective of Ashley? Mind=Blown.
Anyways, hope y'all like this chapter, I'll get the next one up...later. :)
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