chapter 8

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As we approach the house, I notice a light on in the kitchen. Thinking its uncle Jesse waking up to prepare breakfast, Luke and I speed up, making it back to the house at a quarter to 4. But it wasn't uncle Jesse who was waiting up, it was Bo. Who looked pissed beyond measure at Luke and my entwined hands. He glares at Luke, well its more like a death glare.

"Oh look who decided to come back," he says, not taking his eyes off Luke, even though he was addressing the both of us. "Without telling anyone where your going. I knew, maybe you were hoping to run off and elope, that way no one can stop you."

"Bo that isn't..."

"Well I for one, am sick of this....this...sneaking around. A little note would be nice. Something to tell the rest of us where you've been." Bo continues, completely ignoring me.

"It's called a night time stroll," I say, feeling my blood beginning to boil. "And besides, the last time I checked, neither one of us has to check in with you. What ever we do, is none of your business pretty boy. Now I suggest you take your jealous ass to bed and stay there, before I kick it to China!"

His eyes narrow as they turn from Luke to me. I ,however, stand my ground.

"And further more, uncle Jesse will hear about this," Bo growls, sounding very intimidating, making me think he's stronger than I thought. "And this will be the last time the two of you are out by yourselves at this hour. Why are you up anyway? Don't you know what time it is?"

"Don't you?" Luke counters, stepping in between Bo and myself. "We're up because we couldn't sleep. Ashleys right you know, You don't have the power to boss us around, we are older than you, so just shut up and go back to bed before I teach you a lesson in running your mouth!" He didn't speak too loud, but it still came out as vicious as it would've if he had yelled.

Bo gives him one last glare, before turning and stomping off in the direction of his and Lukes room, slamming the door behind him.

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