Chapter 13

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"Bo," I say, getting super annoyed. "What is going on with you? Ever since Luke accidently kissed me on the way here from town, you've been all bent out of shape. Why is that?" A sudden though occurs to me. "Are you jealous?

"No I'm not," he says, turning away. "I just don't want to see you hurt is all."

"Aww," I say, kneeling down next to Bo, who was now sitting up on the floor. "Ickle Bosykins does have a heart."

He glares at me playfully. "What have I said about calling me that?"

I grin evilly. "Oh I'm sorry bubby."

His cheeks flush a bright pink, and Luke has to cover his mouth to stop from laughing at his cousin. Daisy, on the other hand, just bursts out laughing, only causing Bo's face to turn redder than a tomato. Even I can't help but smile, even if I am laughing like a crazy person on the inside. A chuckle escapes uncle Jesse's lips, but his face remains neutral.

"That....I was..."Bo stammer, giving me the look of death, to which I only laugh.

It's hard to take the boy seriously, when his face is bright red, or when he's sputtering so bad, but only out of embarrassment. My next idea hits me like a ton of bricks and I even have to check to make sure nothing actually hit me. I lean forward and give Bo a quick kiss on the cheek, pulling back to give him a smile.

'Wow I've never seen someone turn purple out of embarrassment,' I think, letting out a giggle.

Bo makes like he's about to get up, but daisy and I pull him back, forcing him to sit in a chair so we can clean his wounds. This thought is enough to push all humor out of my body. I'm not sure where it went, but all I know is, it'll be back.

I grab a washclothe, and get it wet, before lightly dabbing at the cuts on his cheek. Man, Luke can really pack a punch. I guess he learned a lot from the marines. Note to self, do not get on Lukes bad side, I do not wish to end up like this. Not that he would hit a girl, but still.

After Daisy and I clean Bo up, we make him take a shower so he can wash the dirt and stuff out of his hair. As soon as he's out of sight and in the bathroom, uncle Jesse turns to Luke.

"How many times have I told you to keep your temper around him?" He demands, angrier than I've ever seen him.

"I've already told you," Luke says, not really answering the question. "He swung at me, I can't control what happens after that."

"Well maybe if you worked on that better, Bo wouldn't be hurt so much!" Jesse snaps, then turns and walks away.

OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE ALREADY MOVING ON TO CHAPTER 14 (which should be up sometime tomorrow) wow I can't believe it.
I apologize for this turning out pretty crappy. Writers block ya know? It's a pain.

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