Chapter 38

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"MOMMY!" Mel yells, running into the house and straight over to me, tears streaming down her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, as Allie walks into the room.

"She woke up and wanted you," Allie explains, scratching the back of her neck.

I nod, and turn my attention back to the emotional child on my lap. She cries into my shoulder, and I rub her back, whispering soothing things to her. Luke leans forward and kisses the top of her head, then kisses me then leans back on the couch. It takes me a minute to process what just happened and when I do, my face flushes.

"Mommy?" Bo questions, from the kitchen.

He sticks his head in the room, raising his eyebrow. I look up as Mel crawls across my lap to Luke, sitting down and leaning agaisnt him.

"Yeah, she's my daughter," I answer, timidly.

"Really?" Bo questions, "from what I see, she looks more like Lukes daughter."

"Well she is," I answer. "I mean, it does take two people to make a child."

"I know," he says, walking into the room and taking Mel from Luke. "Would I be uncle Bo? Or what?"

I giggle. "Yeah you'd be uncle."

"Hello darling," he says, to Mel who giggles and wraps her arms around his neck. "I'm uncle Bo, and we are going to go make lunch, if thats ok with your mom?" He glances up at me, his eyes pleading.

"Yeah that's fine," I say, and he turns and heads into the kitchen, Mel balanced on his hip. "I just hope Daisy makes sure he doesn't let her get too close to the burner."

"He wouldn't do that," Lily says, from her chair. "He loves kids."

"That I know," I say, with a little attitude.

An hour ago, I thought lily was a nice person, but now I know better. Judging from her character in the past two hours, she basically controls everything Bo does, and I don't like that. Bos like a brother to me, and I'm not going to let her walk all over him like that.

"I was just stating a fact," she says, feigning innocence. "No need to be so rude."

"No need to be fake either," I say, not bothering to keep my voice down. "But you seem to be doing that."

She gasps, one of those really annoying gasps that just makes you want to slap them. Luke gently kisses my cheek and rubs my shoulder, trying to get me to calm down. Bo sticks his head back into the room.

"Something wrong?"

"Everythings fine Bo," Luke says, sending Lily a glare to which she fake cries.

Bo comes into the room, and walks straight over to her. "What's wrong?"

"Where's my daughter?" I interrupt, before Lily can answer.

Both of them ignore me. "She's being rude to me, and I never did anything wrong," lily whines.

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY DAUGHTER?" I yell over her fake cries.

"In the kitchen," Bo answers, not really looking at me.

"WHAT?!" I exclaim, getting up and rushing into the kitchen. "Mel!"

Mel is sitting at the table, watching Daisy intently while she prepares the meal. I clutch my chest and sigh in relief, shes ok. Good. Mel looks up as I enter and giggles and bounces up and down in her chair.


"Hey baby," I say, smiling at her, then turning my attention to Daisy. "Everything good in here?"

She nods. "Yup Everythings fine. How about you and lily?"

"I don't like her," I say, leaning on the wall.

"Me neither," Daisy says. "But Bo does, and we need to respect that."

"I know," I groan, not bothering to keep my voice down. "But he must notice that yall don't like her. I mean what's the point in being with someone who your family doesn't approve of and who annoys everyone to no extend."

She sighs. "He's in love. And we all know he doesn't make good choices when he's in love."

"Yeah no kidding," I say, and heading back into the living room.

As soon as I enter the room, lily gets up from her chair and tries to punch me in the face. I dodge it, and attempt to walk around her, but she knees me in the gut, and I fall onto my hands and knees, gasping for air.

"LILY!" Bo, Luke and Uncle Jesse exclaim, rushing forward to check on me.

Luke sits on the floor and pulls me onto his lap, resting my head on his shoulder, and gently stroking the top of my head until my breathing evens. Tears well in my eyes and I don't let them flow over until my head is buried in Lukes chest. I clutch my stomach as the pain comes, worse than the pain of period cramps. Luke rubs my back until I pull back. He reaches forward and wipes a stray tear away, lightly kissing the cheek where it was.

Bo and uncle Jesse appear on my right side, concern clear in their faces. The front door slams closed and Mel rushes into the room, appearing right in my face. She climbs up on my lap, and wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly.

"Is mommy ok?" She asks, pulling back.

I nod. "She is now."

Mel smiles, and runs back into the kitchen. Bo kneels infront of me, guilt swimming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Ash. I never thought she would do something like this."

"It's ok Bo," I say, grabbing Lukes shoulder and pushing myself onto my feet. He gets up and helps keep me balanced.

Bo straightenes up to his full height, which is quiet a bit taller than me. "No it isn't. I just thought that when people told me she was bad, I just assumed they were lying, until she did this to, well my sister."

I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Thanks for carrying Bo. I can take pretty good care of myself, but she did shock me. If I had been better prepared, she would've been worse than you when you and Luke got in that fight."

His eyes widen and his jaw drops. "You remember that?"

I nod. "Of course I remember that. I member just about everything that happened during those two weeks I was here."

"Really?" Bo asks. I nod.

"DINNERS READY!" Daisy calls.

We all debate and decide to have dinner outside, since there were so many people and it was a nice day.

And that's the end of is this love? And I swear I'm going to cry. But no need to fear. I will be writing a second book. As of right now I'm planning on calling it "what the heart wants' and I hope yall like it. I'll start work on it soon.
Thanks yall for reading this. It's been a fun journey and I hope to see yall in the next book.
Love yall

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