chapter 16

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"I'm sorry," Bo says, sighing. "As I said, its not your fault, you've done nothing wrong."

I nod, staring the notebook on the bed opposite us, the words still clear in my mind.

"Ok, its true, I love her, but she likes Luke, so I'll never get her. I guess I should just move on...but I can't..."

I knew that he liked me, but love...that thought never entered my mind. Honestly, it scared me to think that anyone could love me, in that way. I do love Bo, but its more of a sister/brother love. He, on the other hand, felt differently. I don't want to hurt him, but it seems I already have. Maybe....maybe if I explain things to him, it might make things a little less awkward, but it also could make things worse. I...I just don't know what to do.

"Ashley?" Bo asks, interrupting my thoughts, something the Dukes were good at.

"Yeah?" I say, tearing my eyes away from the notebook, to look at him.

" much of that did you read?" He asks, nodding toward the book.

"Oh," I say, frowning, "just a couple sentences. Why?"

He sighs. "Because, everything written in that book is true, and seeing as you already know..." He gets up, walks over to the other bed, grabs the book, and walks back over to me, holding the notebook out for me. "Take it."

I take it, cautiously, giving him a weary look. "Bo, I kind of already knew about your...uh...feelings. its not like you hid them very well, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to ruin our friendship."

He sits back down next to me, looking to his left, at the wall instead of at me, so I can't see his expression. "And you already had a thing for Luke," he says, sadness clear in he voice. Suddenly, he winces, and grabs at his right wrist, turning his head in time for me to see the pain on his face.

I bat his left hand, and he pulls it back, giving me an odd look, that changes to another wince when I grab his right arm to examine his wrist. I lay his palm flat in the palm of my hand, while holding his arm up with my other hand. I quickly grab his wrist and squeeze it roughly, and by his reaction I can tell it caused him a lot of pain. By the feel of his bones under his skin, I know that his wrist is either broken, or severely fractured.

"Sorry," I say, quickly pulling my hand back. "We need to get you to Doc Applebys, and soon."

"Why?" He asks, tightly gripping my hand. He must not like doctors.

"Believe it or not, I had a reason for squeezing your wrist the way I did. From what I felt, your wrist is either Broken, or fractured, badly." I say, bringing his arm up and lightly kissing his wrist.

His eyes widen. " wrist could be broken?"

I nod. "But my question is how. Luke doesn't have a single scratch on him."

"Because my fist never came in contact with any part of his body. I swung at his face, and ended up hitting the metal pole behind him," Bo says, staring at the spot on his hand that I kissed.

"Come on," I say, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him up, then holding my hand out for him to take.

He stares at it, eyebrows raised. He looks from my face to my hand and back to my face. When I don't draw back, he smiles and takes my hand with his injured one. First things first, I need to drop off the notebook in Daisys room. I lead the way out of the room, tossing the notebook onto my bed, then turn and head down the hall. Luke raises an eyebrow when he sees my hand in Bo's, but doesn't question us, or glare at Bo. Instead, he looks rather guilty, and he should. If he hadn't moved out of the way, Bo's hand may not be this bad.

I lead Bo out if the house, without a word to anyone. Once outside, I scan the yard for the orange car. Upon spotting it, I hold my hand out for the keys. Bo gives them to me and I lead him over to the car. He walks around to the drivers side, but I stop him, pointing toward the passenger side.

"You sir are in no condition to drive!"

He sighs, but climbs in the passenger side anyways. I walk around the car, and climb in the drivers side, putting the keys into the ignition and driving down the road, to doc Applebys.

Ok let me just say this I'M SORRY I CAN'T SPELL *cries* and this damn autocorrect doesn't help. I get the feeling I spelled docs name wrong, if so please tell me, thanks:)
The picture is a young Rosco, aka James best, in a show called 'The Andy Griffith show'
AND OMG THIS CHAPTER WAS BAD, but its just a filler, so we'll see how chapter 17 turns out.
As always, I love you guys, and please remember to vote and comment. Thanks.
Also, this may be my last chapter tonight. The next chapter will more than likey not be up until tomorrow. I apologize for any incovience this may cause.

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