Chapter 17

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"I'm sorry Bo," Luke says, for the hundredth time since we got back.

It turns out the bone in Bo's right arm was shattered and he has to wear a cast for the next 4 months.

"Drop it Luke," I say, giving him a death glare, before returning to reading the notebook Bo gave me.

Bo keeps telling Luke that its fine, but Luke still insists on apologizing. We're in the living room, Bo's laying on the couch and Luke's sitting in one of the chairs by the fire, watching Bo with guilt in his eyes. I've been doing my best to read the notebook, while Bo lays on the couch, his eyes closed, a peaceful expression on his face.

I give Luke one last look, before hiding behind the notebook. It turns out the notebook is actually what Bo and Luke us to communicate late at night while everyone else is sleeping. I guess they were just worried they would wake someone up if they whispered back and forth for hours.
"It's not like I haven't tried to tell her, but everytime I get close to her, I lose all knowledge of English, like I can't even speak. -L
Yeah, I feel ya there. It's pretty obvious too. She thinks you hate her, ya know? I overheard her telling Daisy that the other night. -B
I don't hate her, how could anyone hate her? I love her, there's a difference. -L
I know that, but she's coonvinced otherwise. -B"

"I just dont get it," Luke says, his eyebrows creasing together. "He wasn't even swinging with enough strength to break his arm."

"Well for someone so wise, you sure are slow," I say, not looking up from the book.

"What do you mean?"

"Clearly Bo's adrenaline was very high, therefore he was able to punch harder than he normally would," I glance up over the top of the book. "I'm sure you're the same way. We all are, except in karate we learn to channel the adrenaline to fight for us, so we don't make a move without thinking properly."

He doesn't answer, just sits in silence, staring at a spot on the couch above Bo's head. I turn my attention back to the book.

"How do you know all this? -L
I told you, I overheard Daisy and uncle Jesse talking. You know how Ash and Daisy are connected at the hip, they know just about everything about each other. Daisy never said is Ash likes one of us, but I don't think that matters too much. What's the point in ruining our friendship with her, if its only going to lead to heartbreak? -B
Hmm, how are you that quick on the draw when you're writing, but when your talking to someone, you are just slower than a snail? -L
No idea -B"

So its been over four years since they started crushing on me? Well don't I feel loved! This little notebook is a little creepy though, I mean the way they talk about me as though they were going to marry me on the spot?

Luke asked a good question though. It would seem little bosykins, is quicker on the draw when he's writing, rather than when he's talking with someone face to face. Why is that? Maybe its because when you're writing you have no reason to hold back any emotions or anything, but when you're talking to someone in person there's a nervousness that takes over and your mind kind of shuts down.

Which it also does when you're tired.
I'm terribly sorry about the short, and rather crappy update, but its all I can say for now.

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