Chapter 36

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*3 years later*
*Ashleys pov*

"Please come again," I wave to the last customer of the night, giving him my biggest smile, while he gets ushered out by his designated driver, seeing as he was soo drunk he was nearly passed out.

I turn and sigh deeply, tugging at my skirt, which was far too short for my liking, and writing the time on the clock out paper, so I can get paid the right amount of hours I worked. I told myself I would never work here, ever in a million years. Yet here I was, at the end of my ropes, finally giving Boss what he wanting. Me, working at the Boars nest.

I've seen, and even talked to Daisy here a couple times, and I've seen Bo bring in a couple 'dates' who he only came with once, but he didn't seem to recognize me, and I don't blame him. I've dyed my hair completely black, and I started working out again. As soon as I realized the only way I would be able to support myself would be to work at the Boars nest, I started working out a lot, building myself up so I can take care of creeps who tried to grab at me.

Someone walks up behind me, taking the pen out of my hand, and reaching forward to sign herself in.

"Nice to see you again Ash," Daisy whispers, although she sees me every night, as I'm getting done with work and she's just starting.

There's a slow period between 8 and 8:15 and boss decided that was when the clocking in and out should happen. So both Daisy and myself work 12 hours.

"You as well daisy," I say, turning to face her, forcing my lips into a smile.

Hers tug into a half smile. "How's Mel?"

"Shes caught some sort of cold and I'm stressing out over how I'm going to take care of her, and support myself at the same time. I've had to run her up to the hospital a couple times since she was born, and that isn't cheap," I answer, sighing again at the thought of my daughter.

Yes I'm a mother now. And don't go thinking that I'm some sort of slut. Mel is the most beautiful child I've ever seen. She's looks a lot like her father, and for that I'm grateful. I need something to remind me of Luke.

Daisy leans closer so she can whisper and keep this a private conversation. She knows Mel is Lukes daughter, and I know I can trust her not to tell him. Although, from what she tells me, Luke hasn't been doing so good since I left, and I honestly regret hurting him so much. Deep down, I hate myself for it, but then I remember our daughter, and I can't help but smile. I keep this smile hidden from daisy, who looks more concerned than anything else.

"I'm sorry Ash. If you need anything, just ask alright?"

I nod, knowing I'll never ask her for money. She may be my best friend, but I'm not going to take advantage of that, and take her money, when she needs as much of her money as she can get. She does have a car and a family to take care of, namely Bo, Luke and uncle Jesse, who I hear isnt doing so well since I left either. It would seem, that the Dukes were a happier bunch before and during my stay with them. They sure had a funny way of showing it though.

Daisy sighs. "Look, I don't mean to pry in your business or anything, but you know you need to tell Luke about Mel."

I sigh, a tear rolling down my cheek. "I know, but right now is not the time. I'll tell Luke when I see him."

"Tell Luke what?" A deep voice asks, from behind me.

I whip around to find the man of the hour standing a few feet in front of me. A strand of hair falls in my face, but I make no attempt to push it away. I know if I do, he'll know its me for sure. We have an intense state down, where I can tell by his watchful eye, that he recognizes me, but he can't seem to place a name with my face.

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