Chapter 12

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"Morning Daisy," I said, as I walked up behind her, to see what she was making.

She jumped, and her shoulder came in contact with my chin. Pain erupted along my jawline. I forced myself to ignore it, as it was my fault she jumped. Of course, this isn't how she saw it, for when she turned and saw me clutching my chin, she started apologizing about a thousand times, not even giving me a chance to tell her it was ok.

"DAISY!" I yelled for the 5th time.

She stopped apologizing to give me a strange look.

"Daisy its fine, I promise I'm ok. It's my fault anyways, I'm the one who scared you so I'm the one who should be apologizing," I said, holding my hands up, palms forward, in a sign of surrender.

She gave me a look like I were crazy. "But I'm the one who jumped and bumped into you..."

"And I'm the one who was leaning so close to you," I say, cutting her off. "No matter what you say, I will have a counter for it. It's my fault Daisy, I should never have scared you, I'm sorry, now if you don't mind," I say, peering over her shoulder, at the contents in the bowl on the stove. "I would like to inquire as to what you are making?"

She giggles. "It's only oatmeal, nothing special."   

I recoil. "Oatmeal?"

She nods, then jumps at my responds.

"Yuck, I hate oatmeal!"

"I'm sorry," she's says, " I could make something else?"

"Nah, I guess I could put up with it this once," I answer, backing away from the stove.

Just then, the front door opened and in came Luke, who looked pretty hasled. He was pushing a badly beaten Bo into the house, then shoved him forward at Daisy, who tried to catch him, but feel backwards, and onto me, who just so happened to be standing behind her, and we all fell to the ground. I happened to actually hit the ground the hardest, since I was on the bottom, and it sent a sharp pain up my spine. What is it with me and getting injured today?

I groaned, and attempted to push Bo and Daisy off of me. Daisy managed to get Bo to his feet, then stood up herself, checking over his injuries. She helped me up then turned and glared at Luke, who was still standing in the doorway.

"What happened?" She demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I would like to know the same thing," I said, mimicking Daisy.

"Yes I think we'd all like to know," uncle Jesse says from the doorway.

Although he scared the living daylight out of me, I still stood my ground and managed not to jump. Luke looked a bit uncomfortable but managed to say.

"Bo started it!"

"Oh isn't that mature?" I say, direction my question at daisy.

"Oh very," she replies, mimicking my sarcasm. 

"Well he did," Luke says, defensively. "He swung at me first, so of course I defended myself," he bends down to examine Bo's 'injuries', "he should've known not to attack me first though."

"And why's that?" I ask, more curious then I am angry.

"I was a boxer in the marines," he answers, strengthening back up to his full height. "I kind of gave that up when I left, but it still comes in handy every once in a while."

"Yeah clearly," I say, pointing to Bo, who seemed to be unconscious.

Luke put his hands up in a sign or surrender. "Hey he came at me first, this was in self defense."

"Is he going to be ok?" I ask, looking down at Bo, who was getting pale.

"Yeah, I didn't hit him that hard," Luke said, although he was a bit uneasy.

I raise an eyebrow, but choose to ignore this, focusing instead on making sure Bo is ok. Slowly, his eyes slide open and he blinks rapidly. He looks around for a minute, until his eyes land on Luke and he gives Luke the death glare.

What the Hell is going on with that boy?  

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