chapter 30

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wow this is the most I've ever written. Thanks for the support guys (and girls). And we shall now proceed to chapter 30. Enjoy :)

"Wow it looks great in here girls," uncle Jesse says, walking into the living room to find that Daisy and I were just finishing up.

I placed the last picture back on the mantle, after dusting it, and turn to smile at him. "Thanks uncle Jesse."

"I ain't your..." He begins, trailing off like he always does.

"You're as good as," I tell him, clutching the dust rag like it was a source of life support, my heart sinking, remembering the reason I was here, yet, a small smile makes its way to my lips.

He sighs. "I know, I'm sorry." He looks around like someone's missing. "Where have those boys gotten to?"

Just as the words our out of his mouth, Bo and Luke enter the house, both sweating like crazy, their shirts flung over their shoulders. Luke has a visable cut on his forearm, while Bo has one across his cheek, confusing me as to if they had gotten into another fight.

Daisy rushes over to them, handing each of them a damp rag, and taking their shirts to be washed. As soon as she leaves the room, I rush over to them.

"What happened?" I demand, examining Bo's cheek.

"I went to throw a piece of wood to Bo, but it slipped and cut my arm..." Luke begins.

"And it hit my face on the way down, slamming into the ground, at my feet, " Bo finishes, while I take the rag and press it against his cheek. "I didn't realize it was this bad."

"Neither did I," Luke says, pressing his own rag agaisnt his wound. "Sorry again Bo, I guess it just slipped through my fingers."

Bo waves off his apology, while taking the rag, after I instruct him to apply some pressure to it for the bleeding to stop. "It's fine Luke, you got the worst of it."

Luke shrugs, as I take the rag from him to rinse the blood off of it, quickly handing him a dry one to hold to his injury. "Thanks ash. I don't know Bo, you're face is cut pretty badly."

Bo gives him a look, but I speak before either of them could. "How about we stop arguing about our injuries and who got hurt worse and just focus on getting better alright?"

They share a look before nodding once. I turn back to the bloody rag in my hand, feeling a pull in my stomach, a guilty feeling tugging at my heart. I try my best to ignore this feeling while placing the rag under the faucet and turning the water on, turning the rag over multiple times, until the water running from the rag is clean. I ring it out, then hand it back to Luke, who takes it, and gives me the dry rag, before putting the wet rag where the dry one was, adding pressure to stop the bleeding. I turn to Bo, touch his hand and gently remove it from his face, examining his cut once again. It's stopped bleeding but its now starting to swell. His lips pull up into a smile as his eyes bore into mine. My lips tingle remembering the feeling of his lips on mine.

Luke shuffles his feet, not in our direction, but more like he was shifting his weight. I turn away from Bos eyes, to Luke, who was staring at the ground, confusion swimming in his eyes. I step away from Bo, edging closer to Luke. He looks up, and I avoid eye contact with him, focusing on his arm instead. I remove the wet rag to see if the bleeding is stopping or at least slowing down.

"What happened to you two?" Uncle Jesse asks, walking back into the living room.

"Slippery hands and a chunk of wood," I say, replacing the wet rag to Lukes arm, applying some pressure, a little less then before.

"Ahh yes," uncle Jesse says. "Yall need to learn to use gloves when handling wood."

"Yes sir," Luke says, eyeing me, something flashing in his eye, yet a minute later he blinks and its gone.

'Is he jealous?' I ask myself, knowing that look all too well. 'What does he have to be jealous about?'

It takes me a minute to realize. It's because of the look shared between Bo and myself. My heart races in my chest, I hope he doesn't start a fight with Bo or anything.

Well Shit Ashley, make up our minds.
Hope yall liked chapter 30 :) (I wrote it in like 15 minutes so I hope it wasn't too bad)
Love ya

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