Chapter 10

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Luke sighs. "I thought I told you, he's been like that for a while."

"I know," I whisper, looking down at my lap. "But I just feel like its my fault. I really shouldn't have come."

"Ashley look at me," Luke says.

I continue to stare at my lap, not wanting the same speech I got before. I heard what he had to say, but I also get the feeling that he wasn't being 100% truthful. Maybe he just doesn't want me to blame myself, but I know its my fault. I mean, from the letters that uncle Jesse sent my parents, and vice versa, it sounded like Bo and Luke were inseparable. But, since I've been here, they've been at each others throats.

"Ashley," Luke says, sternly. "Look. At. Me. Now."

I sigh, and look up at him, against my will, I must add.

"It's not your fault," he says, his voice returning to its normal tone. "If anything its my fault."

"What?" I whisper, more so from shock than anything. So he thinks this is his fault? I don't think do buster. This is my fault, and I refuse to let anyone tell me different. Ok now I just sound selfish, but I can't help it. Bo has never acted this way before, at least never when he wad around me. "Luke how can this be your fault? I'm the one who decided to come back. I'm the one who had to pry myself in your affairs, when its really none of my business. I'm the one who..."

I'm cut off by Lukes lips on mine. Hmmm he seems to do this a lot. Right when I'm in the middle of explaining why its my fault, which it is, he decides to kiss me. Talk about bad timing. So, instead of kissing him back, which I was oh so close to doing, I pushed him off of me, giving him an evil look. "What was that for?"

He smiles. "All my other attempts to shut you up didn't work, so..." He trails off, shruging.

I giggle. "Oh is that what that was?"

"Are you sure you weren't trying to swallow her?" A voice asks from behind me.

I jump and turn to find Daisy standing behind me, looking tired but happy at the same time, if that's even possible. I immediatly jump up from the couch, trying to think of an excuse as to why I was out here alone with Luke. Wait, did she see him kiss me? Oh I hope not.

"Daisy!" I exclaim, racking my brain for an excuse. "I uh...we were just...the moon....I couldn't..."

Her giggles cut me off, and I give her a confused look. She stops giggling long enough to gasp, "the moon?" Before launching into a fight of giggles. I'll admit, the way she said it was kind of funny, which caused me to start giggling too. After a minute or so, we both manage to calm down. Although, I need to clutch the back of the couch for support, meaning that I'm leaning over the front of the couch, grasping the back, trying to keep myself balanced while I catch my breath.

"Come on," Daisy says, grabbing my hand that's not holding the couch. "We better go back to bed."

"Alright," I manage and allow her to drag me away.

I turn and give Luke a half smile, which he returned with a full one, and I turned to watch where I was going. There really is no need for me to be my normal clumsy self when I'm being lead by a tired looking female back to bed.

We reach Daisys room and she gives me a light push in the direction of my bed, before heading over to hers. I watch her for a moment, then quickly take off my sweatpants, and climb into the bed. I lay my head on the pillow, and close my eyes, my thoughts drifting to Luke. But they quickly shift to Bo, causing guilt to surg through me. What's going to happen with him? More importantly, what's going to happen between him and Luke?

Sorry its a bit short, but this is my last chapter for tonight. Hope yall enjoyed it. I'll try to update more tomorrow. This tired 18 year old strange one, is off to bed. Night yall. Sweep dreams of rainbows, unicorns, penguins, and the duke boys :) (who are HOT OMG)

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