Types of: Fans at concerts

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One of my favorite things about concerts are the people you see there. No matter what you look like or where you're from everyone is there for one reason, to see their favorite band/singer. There are also many different types of fans who lets say, make the night more....interesting.... 

Here are a list of different types of fans I've seen at shows. 

1. The Crazy Fangirl: I've seen a fair share of crazy fangirls and they all have the same 4 traits:  1. "I heart *insert band*" written on their forehead, 2. Somehow wearing all of the bands merch in one outfit, 3. Probably crying, 4. Screaming "I LOVE YOU "insert lead singer*" every three seconds, and 4. They are constantly talking about how much they love said band and only how much they love said band  before the show, in line, at home, and basically everywhere they go starting the day they buy tickets. 

2. The Unimpressed D-Bag: The unimpressed D-Bag can be found at the back of the venue, with his or her arms crossed, and staring blankly into the crowd. Occasionally they may be found lightly head banging at most but there is little to no moment from the Unimpressed D-Bag. The Unimpressed D-Bag will think that they are better than everyone else there because they are "too hardcore for this" or think that the band playing is "too mainstream". 

3. I Just Wanna Mosh: When I saw Black Veil Brides back in November there were a group of boys who stood in the back and moshed for the entire show. Before the show ever started they made a circle pit and started screaming and growling. These "I Just Wanna Mosh" people usually come in groups or find other people who just wanna mosh. If they aren't starting a pit they are in it and if they aren't in a pit they are desperately trying to start one. 

4. The I'm Just Here For The Headliner: There are two signs you know someone is only there for the headliner: 1. They have no reaction to the opening bands or 2. They show up 30 minuets into the concert. When I saw Yellow Card and Memphis May Fire half of the people who attended the concert arrived after both opening bands. 

5. The Dads: At every concert there are a group of dads standing in the back. Sometimes they are on their phones sending business emails, trying to fit in with the crowd, or trying to save their 13 year old daughter from the emo boy with stretched ears she's talking to. When I take my dad to shows he is standing in the back on his phone trying to distract himself from the metal band I made him drive me to. Sometimes there are even some cool dads who enjoy the music but 95% of the time they are in the back wondering why the lead singer screams "bleh" so much.

6. The Don't Touch Me: There is usually one or two of these at concerts that I go to. The "Don't Touch Me" is someone who loves the band playing but does not want to get involved in pits, moshing, and crowd surfing. The "Don't Touch Me" will have a worried look on their face and will most likely be clinging to their friend who they brought with them for protection. 

So those a few of the many fans that I see at shows. Comment some types of fans you have seen! 

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