Concert Drinking Game

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***I am a dumb 17 year old girl, i highly advise you to not listen to me.  Please don't drink if you are underage. This is all a joke. Don't be stupid and be responsible.** 

Drink If:

You see a girl with half red and half black hair

The venue has a sign that says "No Moshing or Crowd surfing"

Some local band is handing out flyers *finish drink if the band is 3PM*

The lead singing says "Thank you so much" *finish drink if he says "thank you so fucking much"*

If the opening band is better than the headlining 

If the lead singer is drunk on stage

A water bottle is thrown

A fan holds up a sign that says "Don't be a dick and give me a pick"

The drummer plays after the lead singer introduces each band member to the crowd 

The guitarist makes a dick joke*finish drink if this guitarist is Jack Barakat*

The bass player fucks up

Someone fights someone for a towel 

Security sprays water on everyone 

Someone asks security for water

Someone passes out*finish drink if they are carried over the barricade*

There is a couple making out*finish drink if they are making out the entire show*

The lead singer mentions a tragedy that happened in the state of the venue*finish drink if the tragedy happened no where near the venue or multiple years ago*

Someone gets hit in the head with a drum stick

Someone is drunk moshing

Someone gets dropped crowd surfing*finish drink if they land on their head*

A tall white man is vaping*finish drink if he blows the vape into his shirt*

You smell weed

You smoke weed

A girl has a tattoo for the band that is playing*finish drink if it is in the lead singers handwriting 

There is a boy with a Blink-182 tattoo on his forearm

The lead singer is wearing eyeliner 

You see a 13 year old girl with too much eyeliner on

Someone is crying during the slow song

You are crying during the slow song 

Everyone is crying during the slow song*finish drink if lead singer is crying as well*

The lead singer mentions how they went through a hard time 

The lead singer gives a speech about how "everyone in this room has your back" 

The lead singer talks about time he passed out during a show 

You, for some strange reason, followed the tips from this book. 


okay that's it! This was kinda dumb and I promise to have some better chapters up soon. Make sure to comment and vote. :) 

Concert Survival 101Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ