How To: Stage Dive

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**disclaimer: stage diving can be very dangerous and could result in injuries. Don't take me seriously I'm a 16 year old girl.

So your at a concert and have the sudden urge to throw yourself off a stage. Well here I am to tell you how to stage dive.

When you CAN stage dive:
•If there is no barricade
•If the lead singer says they want stage divers
•If you see other people doing it

When you CAN'T stage dive:
•If there is a barricade
•If there is security to carry you over the barricade when you crowd surf
•No one else is doing it

How to stage dive:
1. Crowd surf to the front
2. Get on stage
4. Belly flop/flip/fling yourself into the crowd
3. Pray to all of the Gods that someone catches you

What can go wrong:
1. You fall
2. You get hurt
3. You get thrown into the mosh pit
4. Break your nose like Jack Barakat that one time
5. Get thrown off stage by a band member *cough fuck you the story so far cough*
6. All of the above

My stage diving story:
On Friday I saw Beartooth in Hartford CT. The venue was very small and there was no barricade. I knew that I wanted to stage dive and it's been something on my bucket list forever. During the opening bands everyone was stage diving so I knew that I would be able to do it. Once beartooth came I asked the guy standing next to me to help me up. He did and shortly I was thrown on stage. I got to my feet and threw myself into the crowd. I was making my way back until someone threw me dead center into the mosh pit. I kicked a guy in the face and landed right on my elbow. It still hurts and I'm still in A LOT of pain. The second time I stage dove that night I was dropped third row and got to watch the last song from up close. Overall I loved stage diving and it gave me such a rush. I would love to do it again and I hope I'm able to. If you decide to do it please be careful and don't say that a random girl on the internet told you to stage dive.

Comment your coolest/craziest concert story! Make sure to vote!!
Sorry for any typos I wrote this on my phone.

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