In The End.....

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So I've finally decided to finally end this book for real. I was going to end it awhile back but some lovely followers convinced me not to. The whole point of this book was to give people advice about concerts and share a few of my stories. I feel that I've successfully done that and I gave all the advice I can. Concerts are pretty much self explanatory so while writing theses chapters I've had to stretch them out a lot and go into very fine details. I am really happy with the way this book turned out and how many people read it. This story has over 2000 reads which is insane and people from a few different countries read it. 

The other main reason why I'm going to end this book is because it is obvious that no one is interesting in reading. In the start of this book I got a fair amount of reads and votes. Now if I'm lucky I get 3 reads and one vote. Nobody comments anymore so what's the point. I'm not giving up I'm simply not putting effort into something no one cares about.

So thank you so so much for reading this it really means the world to me. If you have any questions about concerts or anything in general just leave me a message. 

I love you all so so much!

See you in the pit!


Izzy <3 

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