Top 10 Moments From Warped 2016(Homdel)

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Hello my lil emo flowers! As Warped Tour 2016 comes to an end, I thought it was appropriate to finally write the final installment in my Warped Tour 2016 series. In this chapter I will be listing the top 10 moments from my second Warped Tour 2016 date. This year I attended the Hartford CT date and the Homdel NJ date. Hope you like it!!


10. I Met Cody Carson

As I was walking back from a set I stopped by the Set It Off tent. I saw Cody taking photos with fans and quickly jumped on line. Sadly, he had to leave before he got to me. Knowing that, I quickly asked if we could take a group picture with everyone who couldn't get an individual picture. Cody being a bundle of sunshine said yes. After we took the group photo(which you can see on my instagram izzypop999), I thanked Cody for helping me up at the NYC show. He said "awww come here" and gave me the biggest hug.

9. Saying Goodbye To Yellowcard

As some of you may know Yellowcard is breaking up and going on a final tour. I'm not the biggest Yellowcard fan in the world but I do really enjoy their music. Ocean Avenue is one of my favorite albums and I listen to it every day. When I found out that they were going to break up I knew that I had to see them at Warped. Because I have a lot going on in the fall I sadly won't be able to make it to their final tour. I got super close to the stage for them and sang my heart out. I moshed, got kicked in the head, and almost passed out. All of it was worth it.

8. Mayday Parade Shorts

I bought these hella cute Mayday Parade shorts that say "Girls Make Boys Cry" on the butt. Just wanted you guys to know that.

7. Running Into Eric

After leaving SIO set to go sit in the shade, I ran into Eric from Real Friends. I had met the boys in Hartford(and after the show too bc I'm a boss) and had no idea that I would be meeting him again. I quickly took a picture with him and then ran off screaming. I also saw Kyle(AKA the love of my life) at their merch tent while I was buying a beautiful wall flag.

6. Morgan Mother Fucking Joyce

Okay so I got to meet one of my favorite youtubers ever Morgan Joyce for the second time. She is a beauty/vegan/body mod youtuber who is literally my life. She is also a model and a hair stylist. She is one of my biggest inspirations in life and I absolutely adore her. I got to meet her at the STAPAW(support tattoos and piercings at work) tent and wow it was amazing. I told her thank she inspired me to go vegetarian and buy only cruelty free products. I told her how much I love her videos and how much of an inspiration she is to me. I look up to her everyday and literally love her more than life. She gave me the biggest hug ever and signed my schedule for me. If you haven't watched her videos I highly recommend them!!!

5. Ronnie Radke

I'm not even sorry to say that I love Falling In Reverse. Literally they have been one of my favorites for 5 years and I've seen them live 5 times. Their set was fucking insane and I got punched in the face. When they sang Situations I flipped all shit and SCREAMED the words. It was so fun seeing them again and I can't wait until next time.

6. Med Tent

Sooooo ya girl got a little fucked up at the State Champs barricade and I passed out. My vision went blurry, I started throwing up, and everything went black. I woke up to people pouring water on me and a nurse asking me my name. I ended up leaving the tent and watched half of State Champs set. Please use my dumb ass as an example of what not to do. I wasn't drinking water and didn't have enough to eat. Even though I did drink two water bottles that wasn't enough. So yeah DRINK WATER OR DIE THANKS.

5. Unleashing Hell

After a long day of seeing bands, I RAN over to Motionless In White. I ended up getting super close and met a super nice girl who protected me the whole time. The MIW crowd is rowdy as fuck and with my luck, I was right next to the mosh pit. All of the guys were planning the pit BEFORE THE GOD DAMN SET STARTED. I got hit in the head tons of times and got kicked in the eye. Even though I got beat up that didn't stop me from having a good time. At one point Chris screamed "UNLEASH HELL" and I ran right into the circle pit. I SCREAMED all the lyrics to Devils Night and Immaculate Misconception. Overall the set was fucking insane and I love Motionless In White so much.

4. Meeting Tonight Alive

Me, my friend Molly, and my little sister were going to all the merch tents buying stuff while waiting for bands we liked to play. We went to the Tonight Alive tent and asked about the meet and greet. Thankfully they had exactly three tickets left for it and we got to meet them. Jenna was an absolute sweetheart and I got to tell her how much I admire her. Since I'm not the biggest TA fan I don't know the rest of the members names, but they were all so sweet. I had them sign my Limitless CD too!

3. State Champs flag

I got a cool State Champs flag that I'm staring at rn lmao

2. Kyle Fasel
I just love real friends so much


If you don't know already Anacs2001 is my wifey. We met on wattpad because of two very gay band members. I was given the privilege of being able to help her write a lovely fan fic called "Bruised and Scarred" and we still talk to this day. When I found out that we were going to be at the same Warped day I literally flipped all shit. Ana is my favorite person ever and is one of my best internet friends. We met at the Fearless Records tent and it was amazing. She gave me the biggest hug ever and I didn't want to let go. We took some cute selfies, hugged some more, and went our separate ways. I wanted to meet up again but because I wasn't feeling so well, we couldn't. So Hi Ana if you're reading this. I love you a lot and I hope we can meet sometime soon. Also text me. K thanks by ily.


The end. Make sure to vote and comment!!! Comment your favorite memory from Warped Tour or a concert!!! I love you all so much!!

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