Blink-182: Meeting ATL 9 Times

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Hey what's up hello my loves! How is everyone? This is the final installment of my mini chapter series about my three Blink-182 shows. This chapter is more All Time Low focused, I hope that's okay with you guys. I hope you like this chapter!!


My day started on September 4th when me, my best friend, little sister, and dad drove up to Saratoga Spring NY. Saratoga is a town in upstate New York where they have the big horse races. I've been there tons of times with my dad to see the races and for concerts. That day we were going to meeting All Time Low and see Blink-182. I had gotten wrist bands to meet them by buying STD II from their local FYE. 

Meeting All Time Low:

Since Saratoga is a pretty small place, not many people came to the signing. I'd guess around 100 people were there out of the 300 that could of. We got there late and were one of the last people to meet the boys. 

Meeting Jack:

Every time I've met ATL, Jack is always first at the signing table. I walked up to him and told him that I read this article about his first Blink-182 show. I told him that it reminded me of when I saw ATL for the first time. I explained how that was the night I decided I wanted to be in a band, and then he asked me which show that was. He was so sweet and grabbed my hand to thank me. After meeting him my friend quickly brought up my essay that I wrote about ATL. I explained how I wrote an essay about meeting them for the second time in english class, and it was the first essay that I ever got an A on. They all cheered for me(which was super fucking cute) and Jack responded with "I never get A's so that must be nice". Overall, Jack was a sweetheart and lovely as always. He seemed so interested when I brought up his article and actually asked me questions. I know fans will sometimes make inappropriate jokes with him,(which is fine bc jack loves it, just as long as it isnt offensive/rude to jack okay bye) but I always make sure to bring up things like articles Jack has written, or the fact that he has an amazing singing voice.(i hope that makes sense) I love talking to him and hearing what he has to say. I feel like the fandom labels him as a goof ball(which he is), but I like to see the other side of Jack. The one that owns to businesses, read the Enema of the State lyric booklet religiously because he loves blink-182 so much, and the extremely talented musician. 

Meeting Rian:

I didn't say much to Rian since the whole signing was rushed, but he was very kind. He had a huge smile on his face and I got to talk to him about my essay. I didn't say much to him(since i was kinda talking to all of the boys while talking to Jack if that makes sense), but none the less I enjoyed his presence. 

Meeting Alex:

Whenever I meet Alex, I always get so nervous. He's one of my biggest inspirations in life and I'm always so starstruck. I wanted to ask him if he ever took creative writing in high school, but instead I asked him if he liked the Harry Potter shot glasses I gave to him last year. He said "thank you yes we go them" which I honestly thought he was lying about. But then Rian added in "Oh we use them!" which made me so so happy. Jack had tweeted that the was hungover today so I hope he at least used my shot glasses to get him there. I smiled super big and told him that I love him(all the average fangirl stuff, shot glasses and i love you). 

Meeting Zack:

As I said earlier, this was a very rushed meet and greet. I didn't get to speak to Zack much, but I managed to say "I love you, thank you so much!". He handed me my poster and I left the table. Even though our encounter was short, I did get to see them get into their car on the way out of the mall. I saw Zack get in and he waved at me. Overall Zack managed to make my little emo heart soar by just existing.

Pre Blink-182:

Me, my sister, dad, cousin, and uncle were all going to the Blink-182 show. My cousin and uncle drove up that day to meet us and I was super excited. Me, my sister, and my friend all got seats right next to the sound board because we knew All Time Low goes there during Blink's set. We got to our seats and met some super cool people. We also met the son of Blink-182's tour mangers which was rad. I ended finding an A Day To Remember guitar pick under my seat which was both cool and very confusing. I'm not sure how it got there, but I took it home. Also I ran into the dudes from State Champs and got a picture with Derek. I really wanted to meet the rest of the band, but they weren't down for pictures.(also derek was wearing a yeezus shirt which made me laugh)

During All Time Low:

Seeing my favorite band for the 8th time was fucking amazing. During Lost In Stereo Jack ran right past me and we sang together. I cried during Missing You, S C R E A C H E D the lyrics to Six Feet Under The Stars, and overall had a blast. I was so fucking proud to see my favorite band play to so many people and have such a good time. Alex's vocals were gorgeous as always and He's come such a long way from when the band started. 

During A Day To Remember:

I didn't film anything during A Day To Remember because I was starting my own little one man mosh pit in the isle next to me. Their music makes me wanna scream, cry, and punch someone all at the same time. Somehow one of the rolls of toilet paper that they throw during ASPTL got into our section. It was so fun seeing them and I can't wait for next time!!

During Blink-182

OKAY CHILDREN BUCKLE THE FUCK UP BECAUSE THIS IS A CRAZY RIDE. Seeing blink-182 for the third time was like Jesus coming back. I lost my breath singing the words with the people around me. It was so cool being able to connect with so many different people over a band. There were two girls around my age sitting behind me and then an older couple sitting in front of me. Even though we were nothing alike we all related to the songs Blink played. Overall it was  magical, amazing, beautiful, emo to the extremo, and I can't wait until I can see them again. 

Alex and Rian blocked my view:

So half way through Blink-182 Alex and Rian decided to sit right in front of me. Usually I'd be happy because of this but those two fuckers were blocking my view the entire time.(I'm being sarcastic i was glad to see them but for real they got big heads) After they left their seats Alex and Rian both held my hand which was pretty freaking awesome. 

Kissing Jack Barakat:

Another rad thing that happened was getting a selfie with Jack. As he was leaving his seats I quickly ran up to him and got a selfie. He posed with me and held up a peace sign. I used this opportunity to do something I was born to do, kiss Jack Barakat. Obviously not on the lips but I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. He giggled and gave me the biggest smile.


Okat that's the end of my Blink-182 series!! I know this update sucked because I'm a bad writer, but I just felt so bad for not getting this up earlier. I promise I'll try to make these more professional and well written. Comment the coolest thing that ever happened to you at a concert! Make sure to vote to!!! I love you all!!

i feel like my chapters are like youtube videos bc i got that click bait title and ending like a youtuber would okay bye fam

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