Concert Story Time: Andy Bear-sack

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Gather around gals, pals, and non binary pals! Let emo queen Isabel tell you a lovely story about our lord and savior Andrew Dennis Biersack. 

On May 27th I got the chance to meet Andy Biersack for the second time. For anyone who doesn't know me, Black Veil Brides(besides 1D of course) is my ultimate favorite band. They were probably the third or fourth band I ever listened to growing up. Andy has been my idol for the past 4 years of my life and he's been a huge influence on me. On Friday I got to go to New York City to see Andy perform for the first time as Andy Black. Ever since he announced the side project I was over the moon excited. 

I got to the venue at about 4:30 and met some cool girls in line. We checked in for the meet and greet, were brought into the venue, and waited for Andy. We were given instructions that we could take one picture with Andy, one item signed, and no hugs. Andy finally came into the room and a huge smile appeared on my face. Usually when I meet band members I'm pretty chill, but this time I was very emotional. I had met Andy once before, but this time was different. 

Once it was my turn, I walk up to Andy and say hello. I hand him a teddy bear dressed as batman and say "This is Andy Bear-sack". Andy and the girls behind me started to laugh as he took the bear. He turned to the crew member taking the photo and said "Andy Bearsack. Get it? Cause it's a bear!". He got a smiley and my heart started racing. I asked him to sign my CD and handed him my letter. We took a photo, which you can see on my instagram izzypop999. After we took a photo I turned to him and said "I just want to say thank you for making music. I'd be very lost without it. You are a huge inspiration for me". He thanked me and said that he was very glad. 

Andy was so sweet and I am so happy I got to meet him again. I got to give him another letter which explained more things from the letter I gave him on the Black Mass Tour. His performance was incredible and I hope he tours as Andy Black again. At the end of the show I hoisted myself up no the barricade and ripped a piece of the setlist from Andy's drummer's hands. Later that night his mother Amy posted a photo on instagram with Andy and his cousin. In the background of the photo my teddy bear was there!! I will never forget that night and I can't wait to meet Andy again! Hopefully it will be with the rest of Black Veil Brides. 

Okay kiddies go off and be little emo monsters! I love you all. Make sure to vote!! Comment a story about meeting your favorite band member! I'm super curious. 

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