Mosh Pit Survival

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Mosh Pits are either the best thing in the world to someone or their worst nightmare coming to life. Moshing is fun, thrilling, and a little bit dangerous. Personally, I haven't been in a pit for long but here are some of my tips on how to avoid them, how to mosh, and just all about them.

Mosh Pits: A mosh pit is a circle(can be any size really) usually formed in the center of a crowd where people run into each other, punch, and go bat shit crazy.

How To "Mosh":

There isn't really a way to mosh you kinda just go with the music. There are several different movements that you can do such as:

1. Spinning your arms around like a crazy person

2. Head banging like there is no tomorrow

3. Body slamming into every single physically possible

4. Just loosing your shit completely and just throwing your chill out the fucking window

How To Avoid A Mosh Pit:

As someone who isn't too fond of moshing and doesn't really take part in it, I like to avoid them. Sometimes I hop in for a second but normally I don't go in. There are various ways to avoid them.

1. If one forms behind you push forward. Yes you'll probably crush a few people or get crushed but it's better to be pressed up against a stranger then get punched in the face.

2. If one front of you go sideways. Try to make your way away from the pit and if you are a bit daring try to run through it or go around the sides.

3. Just hold on to your friend for dear life and pray you don't have some guy with stretched ears body slam you(I've been there)

The "Rules" Of Moshing:

So these are kinda the unspoken rules of moshing but at the end of the day there are no rules.

1. If someone falls down pick them up.

I can not stress how important this is. Someone can get seriously hurt if you don't help a guy up. If someone falls pick them up and ask if they are okay. Same goes for fallen crowd surfers.

2. Moshing is for everyone

Yes moshing is for everyone. Not just guys. If you see a girl moshing don't tease her or judge her.


The amount of stories I've read about dudes and probably some girls forcing themselves on other moshers (usually of the opposite sex) is disgusting. Boys: Don't you fucking dare try to feel up a girl and try to cover it up as "accidentally falling". Same goes for girls. Just don't touch anyone without their permission okay.

4. Call out the assholes.

If you see someone harassing someone in the pit or hurting them bad call them out. At a Falling In Reverse show some asshole was kicking some guys head in when he fell and Ronnie Radke lost his shit. Please if you see someone getting hurt stop the person hurting them and then help the hurt person. Getting injured at a show sucks and could ruin someone's concert experience.

5. Don't go in the pit unless you're okay with being body slammed.

Okay if you are not okay with being: body slammed, hit, punched a little, and basically be in a circle where people loose their shit then please for everything that is good in this world don't go in it. I hear too many girls complaining about how the pit was too crazy for them. The pit is supposed to be crazy. Don't go in the pit if you don't want crazy.

6. Be nice.

At the end of the day everyone is there to enjoy the music and have a good time. Be nice and respect everyone around you. If you see someone who is genuinely scared of the pit then warn them. If you see someone getting beat up bad help them. Just be nice and enjoy the music.

I hope this was okay guys I just got back from vacation and school is hella stressful. Comment your favorite story in the pit!

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