Warped Tour 2016 pt 1: A Poem

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**this is so fucking dumb sorry for not updating in 5ever this is a poem about my 1st Warped date**

The weather was hot

 So was the air

I could see the gates of Warped Tour

But band members, were not there

The doors were opened

We all cheered with might

The emos were set free

 Ready to fight

Nick Major was signing

Donuts in hand

Real Friends was promoting merch

  non profits and brands

I retrieved my schedule 

And found a place to sit 

I circled the bands I wanted to see

And made my way to the pit

Set It Off was fantastic

Real Friends was the best

I knew the next part of my day

Would be the ultimate test

I carried myself to the Full Sail Tent

Ready for the boys

Who hail from a place

Called Illinois 

Dan was lovely

Kyle even nicer in fact

We took the photograph 

I was wearing my Real Friends hat

After the meeting

Along with some greeting

I realized I had to act fast

My time was fleeting 

I started to feel woozy 

In the PVRIS mosh pit

But that didn't stop me

From making it lit

I pushed, shoved, and kicked 

My small self to the front 

To be close to Derek Sanders

I had pulled the ultimate stunt

Mayday Parade was amazing 

Crown The Empire a little boring 

But that didn't stop me 

From my crowd surfing soaring

The heat got bad

And so did I

I found myself with heatstroke 

I thought I was going to die

After recovering 

And getting myself together 

I went to see MIW

My head felt like a feather

I sprinted to the left

To see Ronnie Radke

He didn't throw a mic stand but 

I heard a girl call him daddy(I'm not even kidding wtf people)

During the chorus of Situations 

I started to feel queasy 

I ended up puking 

On somebody's yeezeys 

I was alright though 

Because before you know it

State Champs was on stage

And cured my sick stomach

The circle pit was a blast

My ears began to ring

And that is the end 

To Warped Tour 2016

**a poem or update or something about my second Warped date will be up soon k bye**

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