Blink-182: Scran-tone

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Hello my lovely mid 2000's emo song children. I am so so sorry for not updating in awhile.  I'm just a lazy fuck who's too busy to do anything. I started school last week and I actually feel like death. It's my last year of high school so I actually gotta start caring so I can get into college. That means actually doing homework on time, taking notes in class, and studying. AKA all things that I should of done since day one but refused. ANYWAYYYYY this chapters beings my small Blink-182 concert experience(s) chapters. I've had time to collect my thoughts and I'm ready to write. Before I get tons of rude comments, I paid for about half of the funds that got me to these shows myself. I bought my own tickets, food, and some merch. Okay? We good? Let's begin!


This year I decided to follow the Blink-182 California tour. For those who don't know, music is my biggest passion in life and going to concerts is a close second. I knew I had to see at least two of these shows because of how amazing the line up was. All Time Low is one of my ultimate favorite bands and I've always wanted to see A Day To Remember live. 

I drove up the night before the concert and stayed with my aunt, who lives near the venue. We got to her apartment at midnight so I instantly passed out on her recliner. The next day I woke up and was so fucking excited. I somehow could wrap my mind around seeing All Time Low for the 6th time, but seeing Blink-182 for the first time blew my mind. To put this into perspective for you all, Blink-182 is pop punk Jesus and I'm a loyal disciple.(i ain't no Judas like Tom Delonge fuck that I'm the one who wrote the gospel bitch)

I got to the venue around 6:00pm and literally no one was there. I learned that day that most of the people who go to Blink-182 shows arrive 3 seconds before Blink comes on. I got a spot 5th row on Jack's side, because he's my real dad and Zack's side was too crowded. 

DJ Spider went on first and it was pretty lit. Nobody really cared about him, but he threw a hat at my face which was pretty cool. I also spotted Mark Hoppus, Zack, Rian, and Jack watching from backstage and took the best stalker photos. 

At exactly 7:06pm that one song that I can't say the name of because I'm half white comes on and I LOOSE MY SHIT. This one song is the song that All Time Low comes out to and every All Time Low fan knows. Then I see 4 lanky idiots walk on stage, followed by Mark Hoppus. 

To sum up All Time Low's set it was a mix of Jack Barakat's ass, food fights  with alcohol, "Mork Horppus", hand grabbing, and shoving annoying bitches. 

At the end of All Time Low's set this super nice dude gave me the water bottle Alex threw into the crowd. It had the set list wrapped around it which was pretty cool. 

After A Day To Remember came on and that shit was lit. I moshed until my little emo heart couldn't punch people anymore and SCREAMED the lyrics to every song. Also the same dude gave me one of their picks which was rad.

AND THEN IT FUCKING HAPPENED. The curtains went down, the weed was smoked, and Blink-182 walked on stage. There was a giant sign on fire that said "FUCK" right behind Travis and I couldn't relate more to something in my entire life. My soul physically left me when they played Reckless Abandon and Dammit. Some of my favorite moments were when I heard the iconic lyrics "Where are you, and I'm so sorry" and when they played Family Reunion. I don't want to spoil much of the show for anyone else who is seeing them later in the fall, but it was fucking amazing. 

The night ended with me and my aunt's boyfriend taking literally an hour to leave the venue. I was so happy that I got to see Blink-182 two more times after that. 

The end!


Sorry this was so short, I wanted to get something out for you guys ASAP. There is a lot of shit going down in my life with drama and stupid ATL fans, so my motivation for writing has gone down. Wanna dedicate this chapter to my wonderful friend Anacs2001 . Thank you for being so kind to me and letting me know which bitches were talking shit about me. You're the best ever. 

Gonna be posting another installment of this short series sometime soon!!! Love you all so much! Comment your favorite moment from a Blink-182 or All Time Low concert. Don't forget to vote!!!!!! Goodbye my emo babies. 


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