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OKAY LISTEN UP YOU EMOS! Concert Survival 101 has reached 10,000 reads and wow......I have no words. When I started this story back in March I didn't expect anyone to read it. I mostly wrote this for myself and a way to help out maybe one person going to concerts. Concerts have always been a huge part of my life. I've been going to shows since I was 10 and it's favorite thing to do. For the past 5 months I have been sharing my experiences, tips, and thoughts with all of you and I am so grateful for that. I love hearing from you guys and talking to you about concerts. It makes me so happy when I hear that someone met their favorite band member because they followed some of my tips or had the best night of their life at a show. Knowing that I'm helping people out is the best feeling in the world and I hope to continue that in the future. A while back I stopped writing this story because I felt like there was no point. After leaving it be for a while, it got another 2,000 reads. Once I realized that people still cared I made this book my #1 project. I worked hard on updates and different chapters to help you guys out. I worked on series such as "Warped Tour Survival", "Concert Story Time", and "Q&As". Those chapters blew up. Some of those chapters have hundreds, close to thousands of reads. I know I'm not the best writer, but knowing that people read what I have to say regardless warms my heart. My most popular chapters was me writing from the heart. Me not giving a fuck about grammar or if things made sense. I just wrote what I felt and wrote what made sense to me. So if you have been reading this since day one or found it just now, thank you. Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting. Thank you for letting a lonely teenager feel something. I know this is just another lame story, but honest to god I am so fucking lucky to have this. 10,000 times a bunch of people decided to pay attention to me. 10,000 times someone decided to take my advice and make their mark at their favorite bands show. I know I'm making this seem bigger than it is, but I'm so proud of Concert Survival 101. I dedicated this chapter to all of you. Thank you for this. Thank you or 10,000 reads. Now lets get 10,000 more!!

I want to thank a lovely girl named Ana. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be updating this story and releasing some of my fan fiction. I met her because of this amazing site and two very adorable band members (who are totally dating). So Ana if you're reading this, thank you. Thank you for being so kind to me, putting up with my annoying ass, talking about jalex at 3am, encouraging me to write, and letting me help you write Bruised and Scarred. Most importantly, thank you for letting me be your friend. You're the best. Everyone go follow  Anacs2001  right now. She's one of the most talented human beings on this earth. She is not only an amazing writer but an extremely gifted artist. (I have her username in my bio too).  Also thanks for the hugs at Warped Tour I love you so much. <3 

Thank you so much everyone. The second part to my Warped Tour 2016 experience  will be up soon!!! 


Isabel <3 

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