Concert Story: All Time Low AF

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On April 15th I saw, met, and went on stage with my favorite band All Time Low. It was an amazing experience and I'm gonna tell you all about it.

*I'm in no way trying to brag okayyyy*

So on April 15th I drove three hours to see my favorite band All Time Low in Lowell MA. I knew that I was going to meet the boys but I had no idea that I would end up on stage.

After waiting about two hours in line we were given our wrist bands for the singing and the line began to move. I met these awesome people in line who I ended up hanging out with for a while. As we got closer and closer to the singing room I began tearing up and almost loosing my chill. Thankfully I was pretty calm for the most part.

Then I met All Time Low which is too amazing to describe in on paragraph so I'll break it down for you....

Meeting Jack:

Jack Barakat is the cutest, sweetest, most kind person in the world. He was so nice to me when I met him. I have him a t-shirt with his tweet to me on it and letters from my friends. He said that you and then grabbed my hand. Holding Jacks hand meant so much to me. I love him so so much.

Meeting Rian:

Rian Dawson was so funny and cute when I met him. I gave him a gift from Paper Source and he said "You know what I love paper source I spend so much time there getting my presents wrapped" and I said "Paper Source is amazing". Then Jack added in "I've literally never heard of it". When I tried to keep up our conversation security was pushing me along and Rian said "no no I'm not done" so he could still talk to me. I thought that was the nicest thing ever.

Meeting Alex:

Okay so if you know me in person you know that Alex Gaskarth is my sunshine. He means everything to me I love him very much. When I met him I totally froze up and pretty much threw his presents at him. I asked him to write out lyrics for me but he said "I'm so sorry I can't I have to get through the whole line" so I said that it was okay and instead he drew me a heart. Then when security was yelling at me for stopping for too long I gave Alex his other presents(cool socks and a stuffed animal cat) and he said "Aw thank you so much I've always wanted this". I plan on getting the heart he drew for me tattooed one day. Meeting Alex was the best few seconds of my life.

Meeting Zack:

I didn't spend that much time with Zack since he was at the end of the table but He was really sweet. I gave him emoji stickers and when he handed me my poster he rolled it up for me and said "This is for you!" and smiled. I thanked him and then walk aways.

After I met them I started tearing up and crying a little bit.

During the show:

State Champs:

So I was three people alway from the barricade during State Champs and a few seconds into the first song I had to get out. Their crowd was insane and it was 10x worse than the Issues crowd. I only knew one song but overall they were really good. I crowd surfed twice during their set.

Tonight Alive:
For tonight alive I decided to go up in the seats to relax before Issues came on. I only knew two songs but oh my lord Jenna can sing. She is SO good and sang A Love Like War with Alex.

Oh my god Issues is amazing. I went in my first circle pit and moshed so hard to them. I head banged like there was no tomorrow and basically went crazy. Tyler Carter actually has the voice of Jesus and Michael Bohn is life. I can't wait to see them again!

All Time Low:
Words can not even describe how amazing they were. I totally forgot how talented Alex is and he sounded so good live. Jack was the most adorable little shit who wouldn't stop making dick jokes. Rian was basically Jesus Christ who saved me by slaying me. Zach looked so hot I think I burned myself. During Therapy, Missing You, and Six Feet I sat on this guys shoulders which was super sweet of him.

Being On Stage:
Okay so that might I literally made it my mission to get on stage during Time Bomb. When Alex asked for people on stage I fling myself on top of everyone and crowd surfed/crawled to the front. Thankfully security didn't kick me out so they let me on stage. Singing a song with your favorite band is an amazing experience. I danced with Jack and played Alex's guitar. I sang with this shirtless kid and had the time of my life. I can't thank all time low enough for what they did.

Seeing All Time Low was crazy and I had the best time ever. I defiantly recommend trying to make it out to one of their shows. You won't regret it.

Sorry this took like five years to post.
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Sorry for any typos I did this on my phone

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