All About: General Admission

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So for those who don't know general admission or GA means that there are no seats at the show and basically everyone stand on the floor in front of the stage. Personally GA shows are my favorite because it is very easy to get close to the stage and interact with band members. Also you can meet a lot of new people and make friends in the crowd!

So here are a few tips for dealing with a GA show:

1. Bring a friend if you can: Being alone in a crowd is not only kinda scary but also very unsafe. Personally I always go with at least one other person(besides my dad) to GA shows. Also you never know of some creep with try to "make a move" on you and trust me it's not fun. So try to bring a friend or even a parent if you have to! 

2. DRINK WATER: Okay I can not even describe how important it is to drink water. Standing in line for hours on top of waiting for the bands is actual hell. Then standing/jumping through the bands set can really take a lot from you. So if the venue lets you bring water do it. If not try to sneak some in or just buy the over priced water. Trust me you do NOT want to be that person who passes out in the crowd. 

3. Crowd surfers: As someone who is a crowdsurfer we literally come from every direction. If you see someone crowdsurfing PLEASE put your hand or arm up. Don't be the asshole who drops them. Not only can you get hurt but that person will probably be pissed. If you know you are not physically strong enough to lift someone crowdsuring try getting someone else in the crowd to do it. Or you could be like me and just crouch on the ground and PRAY that they don't fall on you. 

4. Be alert: The most important tip I can give is to just be alert. Yes I know 110% of your attention will probably be directed at the band but please be alert. You never know if someone next to you passes out, someone gets hurt, or anything like that. Just make sure that you know your surroundings before the show starts and you should be good!

So I hope these tips helped! I know they are kinda common sense but hey someone might not know! :)

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