Question and Answer #1

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A few days ago I asked you guys to ask me some questions about life, concerts, me, and anything you wanted. Thank you to everyone who sent a question in I love you all!!

@merrikat-trash asked:

How much money on average should I bring to warped tour?

It really depends on how much merch you want and if you are planning on meeting any bands. Bracelets are usually 5 dollars, CD's are 10 dollars, T-shirts/Tank Tops are between 15-20 dollars, sweatshirts can be between 30-45 dollars, and depending on the size/ if it's signed by the band posters can go from 5-15 dollars. If you go to a meet and greet you usually have to buy a t-shirt and bracelet to get a wrist band to meet them. Sometimes you have to buy something from the tent to attend the meet and greet. For example, when I met Ben Bruce I had to buy something from his record label so I bought a poster. I suggest saving your money and bring 40 or 50 dollars at the least. So you can buy a t-shirt or two. You don't need to bring a ton of cash to Warped but it's nice to have some spending money!

How do you get money together for concerts?

Getting money for concerts can be tough especially if you're younger. I'm 16 and work 3(sometimes more) days a week at a hardware store so I pay for concerts myself. If you are old enough I highly suggest getting a job. Buying tickets, merch, and other things for yourself is so much easier and very rewarding. If you are too young to get a job or aren't able to I suggest making deals with your parents. For example you could say that you will do a certain amount of chores in exchange for concert tickets. When I saw One Direction last summer I had to get my grades up to a B+ and higher for my dad to buy me the tickets. If you do have some money saved up but not enough, ask your parents if you can pay for half of the ticket. If you are really set on going to one particular show ask for the tickets for your birthday or christmas.

@Anacs2001 asked:

How do I convince my parents (and you) to go to the holmdel date for warped?

Well I'm all for Homdel Warped just convince my dad to drive me. If you want to go to Warped you need to let your parents know what it's all about. Let them know who's playing, who you would want to see, and all Warped has to offer. Warped Tour has something called "reverse daycare" which is a nice air-conditioned tent where all the parents can relax. Also if you are under the age of 18 your parent gets in for free! Explain to them that it can be dangerous(mosh pits, crazy people, crowd surfing ect...) but you will be careful around that stuff. If it's the rowdy crowds that your parents reworded about promise them that you'll stay in the back with them. Show them videos and pictures of Warped to show them what it's gonna look like. Show them a map of the venue and where everything is going to be. If you need help convincing just ask me and I can write out a list of reasons why to go to Warped Tour!

lxshtonmxlum asked:

What happens if I've literally been forbidden to go to a concert by my parents? Shall I still go? And if so, how the heck am I supposed to get away with it.

This is a tough one. If your parents really forbid you from going but you still REALLY wanna go I'd say sneak out. I know it could end badly but concerts are a once in a life time opportunity. It may be the last time you see this band/singer so I'd go for it. You could try telling them that you're going to a friends house but go to the concert instead. If you manage to sneak out and go to the show make sure that you have your friends to back up your excuse. You don't want someone accidentally ratting you out because that would suck. Just be careful about it and have a backup plan. Good luck!

Questions I got from tumblr/other social medias/ and friends

How did you meet All Time Low?

I met them through their fan club. It's 25 dollars to join and 5 dollars each year after that. It's pretty much the only way to meet the boys so I highly suggest joining. I met them the first time at a signing that was included with my ticket. I met them the second time at the Hustler Happy Hour which costs 150 dollars.(me, my sister, and my friend paid him back. he also snuck into the meet and greet lmao)

How did you get on stage with All Time Low?

Pretty much I snuck on stage. The first time I went on stage I just got lucky. I crowd surfed to the front and luckily security thought i was chosen so I got on stage. The second time I had a big sign that said "Bring me on stage it's my Bday"(my bday was like a few days before but shhh). The entire crowd was pointing and chanting "choose that sign" but they didn't. Jack saw that I was crying so he said into the microphone "aw now she's crying" and nodded at me. I took this as a confirmation that I could get on stage. I crowd surfed to the front and jumped on stage. I got to give Alex's mom a shout out because we have the same name and sing with Alex.

Are you friends with any band members?

Actually I am! My good friend Ben is in a band called From Hallow Veins. They are a smaller band but they have opened up for some super cool people.

Have you ever made friends at a concert?

Yes! I met a lovely group of girls at Asking Alexandria and we still talk.

What's your OTP?

Larry Stylinson, Jalex, and Ryden :)

Favorite fan fic?

Larry: I Sleep Naked, 99 Days Without You, and Skinny Love

Jalex: Taken and Chained, Bruised and Scarred(i helped write this one ;) ), and Drunk

Ryden: The Milk Fic lmao

How did you come up with the idea for Concert Survival 101?

Well music as a whole is a really big part of my life and so are concerts. Going to shows helped me realize that I want to be in a band one day and helped me meet so many great people. I love talking about them with my friends and sharing my stories online. A lot of people on tumblr and on here sometimes ask me about concerts. I kept on getting the same questions over and over again so I decided to put them all here. I really hope that I'm helping people out and giving good advice.

Soon that's the end of the Q&A! Thank you to everyone who asked questions it really means a lot. If you have any other questions feel free to message me or comment bellow!!

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