How To: Dress For Concerts

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Getting dressed for a concert is probably the hardest part of the whole process for me. It took me three hours to get ready for One Direction and I had my outfit for Ed Sheeran picked out weeks before. People don't realize how hard it is for some of us to choose outfits. 

If You're Going To A Seat Show:

Okay whenever I go to shows where there are going to be seats I try to dress to impress. For One Direction I wore a crop top, black mesh sweater, high wasted shorts, and converse. For Ed Sheeran I just wore a plain black sweater with shorts. If you want you can wear a band shirt or buy the tour shirt for that show and wear that. For One Direction I ended putting the WWA Tour shirt over my TSS tank cause it was cold. If it's an outdoor slow always bring a sweater. If it's indoor bring a light sweater just in case. Overall just wear what you want and bring a sweater. 

If You're Going To A General Admission Show:

So GA shows are a little different and there are some things that you can and can not wear. If the show is during the fall or winter wear jeans and a t-shirt. Wear sneakers, boots, or shoes that are really comfy. Bring a jacket for when you're waiting in line but don't bring it in. Carrying jackets is hella annoying during GA shows. If the show is during the spring or summer I would go with shorts and a tank or t-shirt. Your shirt doesn't have to be a band shirt but most of the time I wear a band shirt to a show. If the venue is outdoors I still wouldn't bring a jacket because it's gonna get really crowded and sweaty. Don't wear anything bulky and keep it light. Don't wear nice jewelry or long necklaces because those will get it the way when you mosh and jump. Also if you wear glasses it's best not to wear them. They might break or fall and that would be really bad. Also don't wear your favorite shirt or your favorite shoes cause they might get ruined. 

If You're Going To A Festival

I'm going to make a whole chapter dedicated to festivals but here this is what I would wear. It i's an outdoord festival during the summer like Warped, dress light. Shorts and a tank is perfect. Don't wear nice earrings and keep in find that whatever you're wearing might get ruined. You MUST wear closed toed shoes unless you want to break your feet. Bring a hat to protect your face from the sun or put a crap ton of sunscreen on. I'll go more into detail on what to wear to festivals in another chapter.

The end! Sorry this was short but I kinda don' care. I hope this helped a few of you out and I'll post another chapter soon! Make sure to vote and comment! Comment you're favorite band shirt/shirt  that you wear to concerts!

Concert Survival 101Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon