Fandoms Are Annoying

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Okay so this doesn't have to do with concerts but lately A LOT of fandoms are pissing me off so I'm going to let it out on here. Now before I get angry 12 year olds yelling at me please know that this is JUST MY OPINION. My opinions are based on what I've seen at shows and on the internet. Maybe you've seen different things. Cool. Maybe you've seen the same things. Even cooler. So yeah before reading this take a chill pill and relax. 

PTV Fans: Okay I love PTV but at shows their fans are literally savages. When I saw them fans were throwing things at vic, yelling offensive and sexual phrases at him, and being hella rude. I saw people get trampled, steped on, and when people fell crowd surfing no one helped them up. It's basic concert etiquette to help someone up when they crowd surf. It was just not a good atmosphere. Some fans were even shoving and yelling at people who were at the barricade.

5SOS fans: Okay I love 5sos but I will never consider myself apart of the 5sos Fam. From what I'VE SEEN on the internet 5sos fans are rude, selfish, and just annoying as fuck. On tumblr a bunch of fans were hating on One Direction yet 1D is the reason why 5SOS is famous. If it wasn't for Louis finding that video 5SOS would be playing basements. Yes it's okay not to like 1D they aren't for everything but you have no right to bash them. Also 5sos will never be the new 1D and has never been the new 1D. They are nothing like 1D. Also stop calling them Punk Rock they are Pop Punk and that's it. From what I've heard from my own friends who go to their shows, the fans are terrible. Some mom yelled at my cousin for being at the barricade yet she got there on her own. Like chillyou're 11 year old kid should of gotten there earlier. I'm sorry I love 5sos but the 5sos fam needs to chill. I know "not all fans"do this but it's enough fans for me to call out.Okay. (BTW if I get one hate message about this I'm just gonna block you cause I have no time to argue okay.)

FIR Fans: Tbh your mosh pits just hurt a lot but that goes for all pits so yeah don't really have much to say. Also I get that Ronnie is your idol but don't forget the shit that he did okay. Forgive but not forget. 

Any Indie Band Fan: You're not cool or better than me for listening to indie music. Also stop wearing headdresses okay. Besides that you be you indie fans. 

Last but not least.....

Directioners: Okay as someone who literally lives up One Direction's asses I have a lot to say. Now, I ADORE One Direction they are my favorite band. And most of the fandom is great....most of the time. Rumors spread like wild fire, people over react, and we take things too far. Like the whole Niall and Japan thing(which was so funny when people actually believed it), people saying that 1D saved their life(okay i get that this is a sensitive subject but they didn't save your life, you did. They just helped you find it inside of you to get up and live), and the whole "cut for Zayn" thing(which was probably all fake but seriously never self harm for someone else it's stupid and makes us look bad). So yeah we just need to chill sometimes but at the end of the day who cares we're all crazy mofos. 

So yeah that's the end of my rant. Sorry if I offended you but tbh I don't care. Comment one thing that annoys you about fandoms. And if I get any hate I'm just gonna block you cause I don't have time. Thanks so much make sure to vote! <3

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